Nasty Surprise (Chapters 35 & 36)

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Hello my lovelies around the world! Sorry it took a little longer to update, I had to really decide where this story was heading...

here's the next chapters! These were going to be the last chapers of the book but i decided to stretch it a little due to changed story plots.

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If you want to say something about the story speak now or forever hold your'e peace lol! 

And if your'e one of those readers that read the story but dont comment please do it motivates me alot - You know who you are *evil stares*

Lol Joke i'll stop typing now :) God Bless , luurve you!


Chapter 35 –Things happen for the better

A few days passed after I found out about Lewis’ disturbing past, but after a painful while I decided to put it behind me. We both went to our second scan together, and my baby looks so much more different from the first time we saw her! She looks so beautiful even though she hadn’t been born yet. We were both told that she already had eyebrows, hair, fingernails and toenails. I was also told that I should be prepared for labour at any moment as we I was fast approaching the due date. I am so scared about labour, I couldn’t help but remember what Jasmine said about it would be like a period times 9 for nine months. Lewis had tears in his eyes when we had the scan, and I knew whatever the pain it would be worth it. I am so happy that Lewis decided to stay with me, and he’s so set about being a dad. He’s also doing great at Chelsea football team, he always gets me free tickets to watch football matches as if I care about sport, but I love going because I get to snuggle up to him. My baby always kicks! Sometimes it tickles but other times it hurts, but not as bad as my back. It aches ALL the time and I can’t move as nearly as much as I used too.

However one day at St Harrisons, a few months earlier during my pregnancy I was filmed dancing to Akon song in class. I didn’t even realise I was being filmed and I was just free styling, but I was being filmed and before I knew it , it was on Youtube and in only a week it got 4 million views! People thought I was the next best dancer in the world, and my inbox was blowing up from all the requests from high end dance schools who wanted me to join. Just from one video!

What I didn’t decline was the auditions and parts in music video’s I was offered!  I got requests from Connor Maynard’s manager and producer to take part in his new video! I was ecstatic, Things do happen for the better!

I even thought about leaving for the prestigious dance schools, If I was at Grunge Hill then I deffinatly would, but my life has changed so dramatically since then. I’m not even the same person. I have new, true friends at St Harrison’s who are all so different yet get along so perfectly. I can talk to any of them about my problems and they wouldn’t blab it behind my back or gossip, vice versa. I gladly declined.

Speaking of friends I have not heard from or about Vicky for quite a long time now which is very weird.

Lewis said on a date that he wouldn’t alow her to get away with hurting me but I don’t think he would have taken it seriously, or at least, do something drastic … I know Lewis wouldn’t do something like that.

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