Chapter 5 - Found

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Ghirahim's POV
I hummed to myself as I traversed the corridor, reading the name plates as I went. Ah, my Skychild is so close I can almost smell him! I can barely contain my glee!

I let a wide smile spread across my face when I stumbled across his room. I grabbed the handle eagerly, only to almost walk into the door instead of through it. My smile grew wider.

"Smart boy. But this mechanical device is not enough to keep me from you, little ex-hero" I snapped my fingers, and sure enough, I found myself inside Link's room.

I let myself have a moment to look around. The room was plainer than I expected, the only feature that personalised the room was some drawings of a large red bird pinned onto a board. He's quite the artist, I have to admit.

Then, my eyes fell upon what I came for. My prize.

The Skychild was asleep on top of the sheets, his face completely relaxed in sleep. He looked so innocent, so pure. I've only ever seen his fierce glares. And his delicious fear.

I stepped towards him and ran a hand through his golden hair, trailing it down his cheek. His face scrunched up a little at the contact, but he didn't wake. How I wish I could gaze upon his pure form forever, but that would grow awfully boring.

"Skychild... its time for you to wake up"

He groaned and shifted in his sleep, but again, didn't wake.

"Skychild" I growled, a little louder this time. I don't have much patience in general, but if he doesn't wake soon I'm going to snap.

But I didn't have to take things any further, as my Skychild rubbed his bleary eyes and let out a gasp as his eyes fell upon my face.

Link's POV
How is he here?! I should have more time, he shouldn't be free, not now!

I lunged for my sword, which was laying on my desk, but he was faster. He always has been.

"Now now little Skychild, is that any way to greet Yours Truly?" he smirked, turning my blade over in his hands to examine it. "And I believe this is the Master Sword? Were you planning on trying to get rid of me? How very rude of you!"

I didn't respond, instead I slowly shuffled to the end of my bed, towards the door. If I can just make it outside, I can yell for help...

"Oh, but I digress. We both know why I'm here, don't we Skychild?" Ghirahim turned his back on me for a moment, and I saw my chance. I bolted for the door.

But again, it was like he was one step ahead. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and I was yanked harshly back against a solid chest.

"How rude, trying to leave before your Master has finished talking! But I suppose there's plenty of time for correctional punishments to be delivered later on"

I began to tremble in fear, knowing that I'm defenceless and at his mercy. Mercy which has proved to be extremely limited.

"Scared, little ex-hero? Maybe if you get on your knees now and pledge your loyalty to me, I'll go easy on you. I'll even buy you a nice expensive collar if you desire!"

I shook my head furiously. No way in hell!

"What? Hm. And I thought that was a good deal. Oh well, it's your loss. Unfortunately I haven't got anymore time to play with you tonight, but I'll be back for you. Make sure you say a proper goodbye to this sky island, because you'll not be coming back. Oh, and I'll save you the trouble of listening to this pesky sword spirit by getting rid of this hideous blade"

I almost cried out in horror when my sword disappeared. How will I fight him now? And Fi won't be able to help me anymore!

The demon lord just laughed. "No need to look so horrified, Skychild. I transported your blade to my castle. So if you want to see it or your pesky sword spirit again, you'll have to come with me. Not that you have a choice anyway. Enjoy your freedom while it last, because I may decide to have you chained to my bed for a long time"

And then he disappeared, but his haunting laughter still echoed inside my mind. I slid down the wall until I was sat on the floor, hugging my knees. Tears streamed down my face as I started to break down.

Is there any way out of this mess? Will I ever truly be free?

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