Chapter 25 - Eldin Volcano

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Link's POV
When I came to, my back was throbbing and I lay at the foot of Eldin Volcano. Impa was nowhere to be seen.

What happened? I just remember intense pain, before blacking out. I know I was there to get rid of this diamond thing on my back, but it's strange that I don't remember travelling here. When did I get separated from Impa? I feel extremely vulnerable without her.

I looked around and found the beautiful sword Impa kindly let my borrow lay at my side. I slung the sheathed blade onto my back with a sigh. It offered a small sense of comfort, but I was still on edge.

Taking a deep breath, deciding I had to continue on my new quest even if I was alone. And I need to go now, I have no way of knowing how close Ghirahim is. He might be watching me right now for all I know. That's something he'd do- everything is one big game to him.

The thought made me shudder. Think positively, Link.

I wandered in a dazed state, but it didn't matter. I know this place like the back of my hand by now, I spent so long here dashing around after Zelda.

Ah, the thought of Zelda tugs at my heart. I miss her. I miss everyone, even those that shunned me.

I feel so alone. But then again, I've felt this way my whole life. It was always tough, especially growing up without either of my parents.

Other children didn't want to talk to me, because they believed I was different from them. Most adults avoided me like the plague. They thought I'd bring bad luck upon them and their families. They thought it was my fault that Demise broke free.

Right now, I'd take comfort from anyone. Maybe even Ghirahim, if he was willing to give it. At least when I'm with him, I'm not alone... And he treats me well when I don't disobey him...

No, Link! You did not seriously just think that! It's probably the bond that's forming talking, you're not an idiot and you're not his pet! I mentally scolded myself. Wow, my own brain really does have it out for me.

Sorry for being lonely, brain. Jeez.

On autopilot, I didn't realise I'd arrived until I literally walked into the door. It's odd that no monster attacked me this whole time, they all just moved aside and stared at me as I strolled by. And it was slightly unnerving. They were acting like I was one of them.

Maybe Ghirahim really is watching me. That would explain their behaviour.

I was about to push open the door before me when arms wrapped around my waist. I froze, my whole body tensing up.

I didn't want to look. I didn't want to believe that he'd found me, but I cannot forget his smell, or the way his arms feel around me. Yes- it's him alright.

"I was content watching you meander through Eldin Province, but I'm afraid I will not allow you to meet with the second dragon. I've worked too hard for my efforts to be undone now"

I didn't fight his hold. I need to wait for an opportunity, then I'll strike. Well, I couldn't fight him if I tried anyway. My sword is sheathed behind my back, sandwiched between us.

Instead, I pointed at the bokoblins, lizalfos and other assortment of monsters that surrounded us, then craned my neck to look at him.

He must have understood my question as a huge grin formed on his face. That can't be a good sign.

"You're wondering why you haven't been attacked, yes?" His grin grew wider, and he let go of me to throw his arms out, gesturing to them. "It's because my scent is all over you, dear Linky. No minion of mine would dare touch what belongs to me!"

I cringed, glaring at him. I do not belong to him, and I certainly don't smell like him! Right?

"Come on then, we're going home. And you're being punished the second we get back"

No, I don't think so.

I stepped away from him and grabbed the hilt of my sword, unsheathing it in one smooth motion. Funny how I kind of missed doing that. It's actually quite satisfying.

"Did you really just draw your sword on me again? Foolish boy, you're only adding to your already massive punishment for running away from me. Besides, you can't hurt me without your precious Master Sword. I'm untouchable!"

Yeah, well, we'll see about that.

I slashed my new sword at him, slicing his white trousers open and drawing blood. I'd managed to cut his thigh quite deeply, but I knew it wouldn't be enough.

He teleported, and I expected him to reappear closer. But much to my surprise, he retreated, clutching his wound.

"You'll regret this, my Skychild" he yelled after me, but I was already sprinting for my life. Damn, this sword has serious power, but I feel exhausted from that one attack. But it's bought me time, and that's all I need.

I need to reach the dragon that watches over Eldin Volcano before Ghirahim recovers. And I have a feeling he won't hang around long.
Two updates in one days?! I'm spoiling you guys too much 😂

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