Chapter 26 - Bokoblin Horde

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Ghirahim's POV
Enraged! Fuming! Outraged!

That's how I feel right now. How dare my pet turn his blade on me! It's incomprehensible!

Well, the punishments just keep piling up! He ran away, he attacked me, he didn't listen to orders, he's deliberately standing against me, I could go on! To say I'm pissed would be an understatement!

Minutes passed as I waited for this damn wound to heal. I've not been injured like this since... well, since Link took me down with the Master Sword months ago. Though seriously injured as I was back then, a sword spirit can never die.

Feeling the pain begin to ebb away, I got to my feet as gracefully as I could. Bokoblins stood around me, just staring. Freaks.

"What are you looking at?! Go, find the boy and bring him to me! But don't you dare harm him in any way, or I'll kill you all myself!" I yelled at them, and they scattered in an instant, barrelling through the door.

Good. Even if they all end up lodged on the edge of his blade, it'll buy me the precious time I need. The second I'm fully recovered, I will retrieve him myself.

Link's POV
Eldin was nowhere to be found. I searched the entire area for him, growing more and more frantic. Where could he be?! There aren't many places for a huge dragon to hide!

I spun around when the battle cries of bokoblins sounded from behind me. And, sure enough, there were hundreds of them.

Ghirahim. This is his doing.

I unsheathed my sword and instantly fell into my familiar battle stance. It felt so natural, and I welcomed the thrill fighting brought me. It made me feel alive.

I sliced through bokoblin after bokoblin, but they kept on coming. And strangely, none of them were armed, and not a single one tried to hurt me... They were just lunging at me, then clinging to me.

Then I realised. They were only here to try and slow me down.

But, that realisation came too late. Bokoblins may not be the smartest creatures, but they certainly aren't stupid. And I was too engrossed in fending them off that I didn't notice the bokoblins on a higher ledge until it was too late.

Something fell on top of me, causing me to fall to the ground. I struggled, but the object only grew tighter around me.

It was a net, made of interlocking metal loops. The bokoblins that had been on the ground with me were standing on the edge of the net, pinning me down.

I tried slashing at them through the net with my sword, but they only stepped closer to me and surrounded my sword arm, immobilising it.

I struggled, screamed, thrashed, kicked out and strained against the net until I was exhausted, but I still wasn't going to give up without putting up more of a fight. After all, Ghirahim isn't here. I can take down these bokoblins, I know I can! I've killed so many of them in the past! If I could only get free of this damn net...

"Nice work, my minions! You actually succeeded in capturing my Skychild for me! And here I was, thinking you'd all be dead at his feet by the time I got here!"

Upon hearing his voice I began to struggle harder than before, twisting my body as I thrashed around in an attempt to get free. But it was no use.

"Ah, I apologise, Linky. I neglected to say hello to you, didn't I? Don't worry, you'll have all my attention when we're back home, don't you fret"

His tone was sinister, and I felt a shudder run through my body. I just wanted to break down and cry. I swore to Impa and Zelda that I'd never let him capture me again, and I've let them both down...

"Move aside, your job is done!" He snapped at the bokoblins, who scurried away as quickly as they came, if not more so. Ghirahim threw the net aside, and scooped me up into his arms.

I struggled and cried, attempting to punch and kick him- with little success.

"If you don't calm down, I have no problem with knocking you out" the demon lord the threatened. But I didn't listen, and I couldn't care less. I need to find Eldin! If I don't get away, Ghirahim's going to undo Faron's work and complete the sword spirit ritual!

"You had your chance, but I guess you wish to do this the hard way. Night night then, Linky. Sweet dreams" Ghirahim said in a sing-song voice, before I felt a blow to my head. Then everything faded away to black.

Sorry to ruin the serous mood, but when I was checking through for spelling mistakes, I realised I accidentally wrote 'the semen lord' instead of 'the demon lord'. The S and the D are too close together on the keyboard okay 😂

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