Chapter 8 - Last Day in the Sky

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Link's POV
A shiver wracked through my body, and I felt like I was being watched. I brushed it aside as paranoia, knowing my stressed, overly tired mind was most likely making me feel that way.

It was a while before I eventually opened my eyes in order to properly quell my fears. As I thought, I was alone. Stupid brain, don't do that to me!

Then I noticed someone in the water next to me, and they began humming softly. I didn't dare look.

But my mind knew who was there even without looking. I hadn't heard a loftwing land to drop someone off, so that could only mean...

Ghirahim. He'd already found me.

Fear wanted to me to run and call my loftwing. Embarrassment told to me stay in the water, since at least the water was warping my lower half slightly from the surface.

I decided I would try and run, after putting a bit of a distance between us. He can warp after me, but he can't fly...

As I was edging away with my eyes still firmly closed, a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. I yelped in surprise and tried to pull away, but the death grip on my wrist was too strong.

I'd barely even moved! What the heck!

"I was just starting to relax, and you decide to try and run away again? You're so inconsiderate, it hurts my heart. I was hoping we could just stay here like this a little while longer"

My eyes widened, and slowly, I turned my head to look at him. His pitch black eyes seemed to stare straight into my soul, and I was instantly paralysed with fear.

"As much as I appreciate your nudity, my little Skychild, I do not want of my soldiers to see you this way. So run along and get dressed, and then we'll be off. And don't you dare try anything, or I'll decide to just go ahead and take you away as you are"

I just stared back, unmoving. The water was acting like a security blanked, covering my lower half and I wasn't ready to completely expose myself to him. And I never will be.

"If you're not going to be a big boy and listen, I'm just going to have to make you!" He snarled, climbing out of the lake and dragging me roughly after him. I stumbled and fell, landing on my knees at his feet.

"See, doesn't it feel good to be kneeling before me, Skychild? Doesn't it feel natural?" I looked up to shoot him a glare, but I felt my face pale and my eyes widen as I came face to face with Ghirahim's... ahem... equipment.

My face heated up almost instantly and I looked away, causing the demon to snigger. "If you wanted to suck my dick, you could have just asked me"

I growled at him and shot him the glare I meant to give him previously, before stomping over to where my clothes were neatly piled up. As fast as I could mange I pulled on my underwear and my trousers, but in my haste I lost my balance, got tripped up by my trousers and landed in a heap at the now fully clothed demon lord's feet. He looked down at me in amusement.

"I have to admit, you're kind of cute when you're being a total klutz. But I grow impatient of waiting for you. Here"

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly all of my clothes were on my body. I stared at him in amazement, my mouth falling open. He could do that?!

A small portion of my fear for the demon lord vanished, but I was quickly overcome with emotion as I remembered this might be the last time I saw the sky. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I turned away from Ghirahim and started to walk slowly towards the edge of the island.

I don't want him to see my weakness. He'll exploit them.

I gazed around the vast sky, sadness filling my heart at the thought of being forced to leave my home. But that sadness was rapidly beginning to turn to anger. How dare he come here and take me from my home!

I grabbed my notebook and pen from one of my pouches and rapidly began scribbling a note that I'd probably regret later. Ghirahim just watched me curiously. When I was done I stomped over to him, shoved the note into his hand then stormed off to sit with my back to a tree, facing away from him.

I know the bastard won't change his mind, but I hope he feels damn guilty for doing this to me. On the other hand, he probably doesn't care what I feel and I just made things a whole lot worse for myself.

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