Chapter 27 - Punishment

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Link's POV
Ah damn, my head hurts like hell! What in the goddess' name happened?!

Oh. Yeah. Ghirahim knocked me out.

Wait... Ghirahim knocked me out! That means...

My eyes shot open and I looked around frantically. It's just as I thought. I'm back here, back as a prisoner to the demon lord. As if my week couldn't get any better.

I tried to sit up, but found I could barely move. My wrists and ankles were chained to the head and foot of the bed. The heck?

I strained against the restraints, but they didn't budge. All I succeeded in doing was hurting my wrists. A chuckle sounded from the left side of the room, and my eyes shot  in the direction of the sound.

"Already trying to leave me again? Pity. I'd dared to hope you'd be more... submissive, when you realised escape is pointless. That I will always find you" Ghirahim said as he stalked towards me. I tried pulling on the restraints again, but of course they did not yield.

"It makes me so excited to see you in such a comprising position. It makes me hungry for more" he hissed, leaning over me to run his tongue over my neck. I shuddered I involuntarily. It's as if he knows exactly where my weak spots are.

"Good boy. Don't fight me now, you know it's not worth the effort. Now I'm going to give you a little gift, no need to thank me"

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my ear and I couldn't stop the cry that escaped my lips. Did he just piece my ear?!

Materialising a small mirror, the demon lord held it so I could see my newly pieced ear.

From the lobe, just above my other piecing, hung a blue diamond. It was identical to the one he was always wearing.

And it made me feel sick to my stomach. The collar was bad enough, but this... this is different. This is a much more powerful symbol of ownership. But I refuse to ever be his, I'll fight him every step of the way.

"It suits you, pet. Oh, but don't even think for a second that I've forgotten about your punishment!" He clicked his fingers, and I suddenly felt very cold. But the restraints on holding me to the bed were gone. And I was now naked again.

I flung my body off the bed, the opposite side to where the demon lord stood. But he teleported in from of me and grabbed me before I could make a run for the door. I don't know what came over me, I knew I couldn't escape the room, never mind get out of this place and through The Breach!

The demon lord bent me over his lap and began to rub my naked behind. I whimpered, feeling utterly powerless again.

Why me? Why does he want me? Why didn't he just kill me?

"Now then Linky. I want you to count for me"

I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. And then came the first slap. I didn't say a word.

"What did I just tell you to do, Skychild? Let's try again"

The smack was harder this time, and a strangled cry escaped my lips. I held up a single finger, indicating 'one'.

"Hm. I suppose that will do. But you're screwed if I decide to go past ten aren't you?"

More hits followed, each harder than the last. And to my surprise, at ten, he stopped. Did I really get off that lightly? Not that I'm complaining.

I visibly relaxed, which didn't go unnoticed by the demon lord.

"Aw, you thought your punishment was over? You're adorable, my Skychild!" He pushed me off his lap and I stumbled to my feet. Just as I got my balance, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me after him.

I didn't know where he was taking me, but if it's for a punishment it can't be good.

He stopped when we arrived at a metal door, a door that stood out like a sore thumb amongst the wooden doors that littered the rest of this place. Ghirahim unbolted the door, and what I saw -or rather, felt- made me want to cling onto him and beg for forgiveness.

It was only a pitch black room, but I could see it was tiny. And I could also feel that something was... off. Something want quite right about the room, it made me feel uneasy. Very uneasy.

"You're staying in here until you're ready to accept me as your Master!"Ghirahim hissed, before shoving me into the room. I stumbled and fell, hearing the door slam behind me and the bolts being drawn back into place.

And that's when I began to hear them.

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