Chapter 35 - Make Your Choice

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Link's POV
I didn't stop running until I was at the top of the Sealed Grounds. It was then that I allowed myself to collapse, panting and gasping for breath.

As soon as I had caught my breath though I was on my feet and running again, knowing full well any wasted seconds could mean my capture.

I'm still confused though. I hate him with all my being, yet I also want him. These conflicting emotions are going to drive me insane!

Maybe time away from him will allow me to think with a clear head. Maybe time away will weaken this bond.

I didn't know where I was running to, and I only really became aware of my surroundings when I found myself outside Skyview Temple. This site of our first encounter.

'Master Link. It would be wise to find a way to return to the sky'

I know, Fi! But Ghirahim has deactivated all of the bird statues! So unless you're going to give me some useful advice, please be quiet!

I'm so stressed out that even the smallest things will set me off, I'm sure. Damn it all!

'My calculations suggest that you should find a sheltered place to camp for the night, Master. It's much more dangerous in the forest when darkness descends'

That would probably be a wise idea... I have my sword now, but I'm also weakened at the moment. Ghirahim deliberately underfed me to keep me in this weak, pathetic state.

Unsure of where to go, I turned around and headed back the way I came, to the most familiar place I could think of. The Great Tree.

Gasping for breath as I surfaced from the water, I looked around the inside of the familiar hollow tree. Nothing has changed since I was last here, and the room is vacant, absent of monsters.

Using the ivy growing on the side of one of the walls like I did many months ago, I clambered out onto the dry ledge. I debated for a moment on whether or not to keep my damp clothes on, but in the end I was too tired to care. I took off my sword and lay down with my back to the wall, where I drifted into an uneasy slumber.

I squinted, trying to make out the figure as they walked towards me, clad in the painfully familiar colours of white and red. My suspicions were confirmed when his haunting laughter echoed around me.

"Hello, my dearest Skychild"

I didn't respond, instead closing my eyes and began praying silently the for bad dream to be replaced with something, anything better.

"It's very rude of you to ignore me, I thought I'd taught you better than that. Or maybe you thought this was just another of your silly little dreams, that you could just wish me away"

My eyes widened in disbelief. So... I'm not dreaming? Is this real?

"Oh, you are asleep and dreaming, my Skychild. But I decided to visit you here, in your dreams. As our bond is almost complete, I can invade your mind when you're most vulnerable whenever I please"

I scrambled to my feet, preparing to run.

"I wouldn't try and run, if I were you"

"Y-you can't touch me here. You can't m-make me do anything" I cursed myself for stammering, not wanting to show him how terrified I really was.

"True, I can't physically touch you. But I didn't come here to toy with you, especially not when I have such big plans for you tomorrow, when you return to me" he said arrogantly, his lips forming a wide smile.

"What makes you so sure I'm coming back to you, demon! I'll never come back, and you'll never catch me again!"

"Oh, I could track you down, that's for sure. But I don't need to. Not when I have such wonderful blackmail!"

I froze. What is he on about?

"Ah yes, did I fail to mention that your precious Sheikah is currently at my mercy? I don't usually go for girls, but I guess just this once I could be swayed"

"Don't touch her!" I yelled, reaching for my sword before realising this was just a dream.

Ghirahim chuckled. "The way I see it, you have two choice, both of which lead to the same outcome. Option one, I have my way with this pure, beautiful Sheikah, and then I come and get you myself. Or option two, you take her place, and come back to me willingly. And once I've finished the ritual, only then will I let her go. It's up to you, you have until sunset tomorrow"

And then the image of him faded away, leaving me alone in my dreamworld. He's given me an impossible ultimatum.

And for the rest of the night, I did not sleep soundly.

Bound By The Thread Of Fate (GhiraLink) (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz