Chapter 30 - Mine

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Ghirahim's POV
After threatening his precious Sheikah, combined with the danger of being put back into the room, my Skychild clung to me like a baby, whimpering.

Aw, did somebody break for me?

It's about time, I was beginning to tire of his games. I like this docile Linky.

My specially prepared little room did its job.

See, that room is sealed, as once I decide to put someone in there, gas is pumped in. Gas that causes powerful hallucinations. Hallucinations of the person's worst fears.

And I believe my little Linky fears failure above all else. How sweet. I'd kind of hoped that I'd be his worst fear though, I'm not going to lie I'm a little disappointed.

I got to my feet carefully, holding my precious cargo in my arms. He's mine now, nobody can take him away again. But, just as insurance, I need to hurry my little ritual along a bit.

Then he definitely won't be able to leave me.

Ever since I laid eyes on him, he's had me captivated. Everything about him. Every little detail.

He's brave. He's cute. He's a natural born leader. He has a strong fighting spirit. Had a strong fighting spirit. And I want to break him completely, make him mine.

And when I want something, I always get it.

His defences are crumbling, fast. He's already accepted me as his Master, whether he consciously realises it or not. And the subconscious is the most powerful of all.

"Please... please make it stop!" He cried gripping my shoulders. Interesting. So he's speaking now, is he?

"Make what stop, Linky?" I asked him, fully aware of what I was doing. Damn, I'm exhausted though. This Master and soon to be sword spirit bond really drains your energy when you're trying to create it. Suppose I should call it a day.

For now.

I stopped the energy transfer, and my Skychild relaxed, his body going limp on mine. Guess he's exhausted too. I forget how fragile his people really are.

Pulling him close to my body, I teleported him to my bedroom. Our bedroom. Being here makes me think of all sorts of thing I want to do to him, none of which involve sleeping.

But, I will wait. I want him to be willing. Begging for me.

And trust me. He will.

I peeled the covers back and placed him down. He reached out for me, his eyes desperate and slightly glazed over. I couldn't help but grin.

He might be a little out of it now, but it's only revealing his true desires. He wants me. And he'll soon crave me.

Deciding I was tired too, I snapped my fingers to remove my clothes before climbing into bed with him. I pulled him close, so his bare back was pressed against my bare skin. Ah, he's so warm...

It's a good job I have some self-restraint, or I'd be making a beautiful mess of him right now.

He whimpered and snuggled closer to me, using my arm as a pillow.

He's adorable. And he's mine.

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