Chapter 39 - Bond

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Dedicated to @LupaStorm84 ❤️

Sorry I took so long to write this, writer's block, my one true weakness! O_o  Hopefully I make up for my absence with this super long chapter 😁

Also, mature content and dub/non-con ahead 😅 (I always cringe and question my existence when I write smut, but you guys seem to like it so I shall keep going xD)

Link's POV
Please, Goddess. Please save me. You wouldn't let irreversible harm come to your hero, would you? Please, I can't do this. I'm not strong enough. Please help me...

I saw Ghirahim had finished tying Impa to the wall, so I squeezed my eyes shut and began to pray again. I can't let this happen, especially not with Impa here! I must be strong for myself, for her!

"Open your eyes, my Skychild. I want your focus to be on me and I take you and claim you as my own"

Slowly, I did as he asked, but only because the bond forced me to obey. His control has got a lot stronger, whether that's due to the proximity, his growing strength or the length of the bond I'm not sure. And I don't care right now, it's not that important.

The demon lord snapped his fingers, and his clothes disappeared. I thought he would do the same to mine, but he didn't. He made the ordeal so much worse.

I whimpered quietly as he started to undress me slowly, tears beginning to pool in my eyes. I'm scared. I've never been so afraid.

"Ah, such a beautifully pained expression! Yes, I shall enjoy you thoroughly, my sweet Linky. You'll be with me forever, I shall make our bond eternal"

Too soon, I found myself naked before him. My arms were grasped and forced above my head when I moved to cover myself, much to my despair.

"Now now, none of that. I want to see all of you. Now keep your hands there, unless you'd rather embrace me?"

"Fuck you" I spat bitterly, tears spilling silently down my cheeks. I feel so lost, I don't know what to do... It's all I can do to not give in, especially not now. He may take my body, but never my spirit.

"I expected as much. Well, we'll see how long you can hold out. You'll be begging to feel me soon, you can be sure of it, Linky~"

Gentle caresses came next, to my surprise. My eyes widened in shock, I thought he was going to just stick it in me and be done with it. This almost makes the whole process worse...

"Why so surprised, darling? I promised I'd make this as intimate as possible for you, didn't I? And besides, I feel like we need to bond a little more. Every touch, every caress, every word I speak binds you more tightly to me. Isn't it such a wonderful feeling? Just let go"

"No, I won't! I'll never give in to you! In order for this bond to be completed, I haven't be willing, right? And that will never happen, not ever!"

Ghirahim chuckled, pressing his body up against mine as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. The contact, together with his scent, made my mind start to go a little hazy.

"Don't you worry about that, Skychild. You'll be more than willing, mark my words"

I felt myself nod slowly, wanting more, before I came back to my senses. What in the Goddess's name just happened?!

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