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A/N: Before you read this book, I just want to say that it has A LOT of grammatical errors. I'll try to fix those as soon as possible, please bear with me, this is my first book after all. :")

I decided to leave this book up by choice, to show that not everyone starts out perfect. If you look at my other recent works you can see the MAJOR improvement. I started writing this story in 2017 when I was only 13 😟 I'm 18 now...

on to the story! don't hate on it too much lol


Why did she hate you so much?
Why isn't she proud of you?

Your mother grabbed the papers in your hand and shoved them towards your face causing you to get a paper cut.

"This is unacceptable. I didn't raise my child like this, to get bad grades at school."

You stood there not saying anything. Trying to hold back tears while your mother kept complaining about the assignment you got a bad grade on.

"It's just a C+ almost a B, mother..."

Your mother threw the papers on the floor. Looking at you with her death stare. At that moment did you know... you fucked up. She slapped you, causing you to lose your balance.

"Don't you dare talk back to me! And I don't care if it's almost a B, it's still not an A+!! That is the only grade you will be bringing while you're still living here, better be an A or A+!! Do you hear me?"

You were holding your cheek. Not daring to look at her eyes while she's like this.

"I said do you understand?!"

"Yes ma'am..."

"And if you dare to bring another bad grade, I'll send you to study overseas, while staying with your father, and live the life he's living now, he doesn't give a crap about anything now... He's a piece of trash if you ask me... good for nothing. Go to your room and sleep, you have school tomorrow."

You grabbed the papers that were in the floor then headed towards your room.


You laid on your bed looking towards the ceiling

Don't send me with that man, I don't want to live his life, like a failure...

Your father had everything at one point in his life, but soon lost everything. Your mother felt embarrassed so that's why your mother told him to go overseas and work. She didn't want to be seen with him. Now she wants to send you with him. She thinks you're going to follow his steps in life. Your mother's family side is good dealing with business, even their children... All straight A's... Not a single one with a B or below. She didn't want to be the one with failures first.

"You're not going to end like him Y/N. All you have to do is bring A's in the upcoming grades they will be giving.
She will be happy with only that... I suppose. But still I will try my hardest."

You slowly drifted off to sleep


You decided to walk to school a little earlier than other days. You wanted to be alone while listening to music. Enjoying the view.

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