25 | Chanyeol

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"Chanyeol!" You said surprised

"Hey, Y/N."

"What are you doing here during school hours?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay, what are you doing in Jimin's house?"

You sigh. "It's a long story... but I was going to tell you anyways, want to come in?"

He hesitated to answer for a while but then finally talked. "Um... let's go somewhere else."

"Yeah sure, let me just get my things." You grabbed a spare key Jimin gave you and locked the door, you began to feel a sharp pain in your lower area. You were obviously still sore but it doesn't matter if you tell him. He was your first true friend after all.

You began walking to a familiar outdoor place. "Remember this place, Y/N?" He said showing you the table were you two first became friends.

"Of course I do." You smile.

"Alright, now tell me what happened."

You sit down and tell him what happened with your parents.

"Your mom forced you to leave? And the teacher told her?" He said with a slight disappointed tone.

"Yeah, so instead I left and went to your house but I forgot you weren't there. I called many times but you didn't answer. I didn't know what else to do at that moment."

"I feel guilty for leaving you to wait, Y/N." he said while looking at you.

"Then I remembered that Jimin lives near you, so I went there instead. That's how I ended up in his house."

He hummed in response. "Um, Y/N can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure go ahead." You said as you sat up straight.

"It's gonna sound weird but did you and Jimin... perhaps... did..."

your cheeks turned red. "What makes you say that?" You said as you tried to look anywhere else but him to avoid any more embarrassment that you already have.

"Well because on the way here it looked like you were in pain every time you took a step and not to mention, you have a hickey in your neck..."

you tried covering your neck and your face at the same time.

Chanyeol laughed. "I'll take that as a yes, don't worry I won't tell anyone about your dirty secret." He winked.

With your cheeks still red you looked at him. "I trust you Chanyeol."

"So what are you going to do about your parents?"

"I don't know, my father keeps calling me, but I don't answer, I don't know what to say."

"Why does your mother want to get rid of you so badly?"

"She only wants successful people around her, that's basically it."

"Really? Why don't you stand up for yourself?"

"I don't know if I can do that, I never talk back to my mother, one time I did and I ended up getting slapped. I must follow her rules as long as I live with her."

"You should at least still try, Y/N."

"I will." You smile.

You and Chanyeol kept talking until it got pretty late. It was already six and Jimin must have gotten home from school already.

"Chanyeol I think I should go, it's getting late and I don't want Jimin to worry." You said as you stood up.

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you for today, I'm glad I got to take some things off my mind." You smiled.

"Of course Y/N, anytime."

You walked towards Jimin's house and stood in the porch for a few seconds.

"Well bye Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay, bye Chanyeol." He hugged you before you went inside.

You walk in and immediately see six figures sitting in the couch. It was the guys.

"Y/N you're here!" Taehyung said.

"We were all worried that you left." Jin added.

You could hear footsteps coming from the stairs. It was Jimin.

"Where were you?!"


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