9 | Friends

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Everyone rushed out the door since it was Friday. By the time you were leaving the building, mostly everyone was gone. Someone waving at you from a distance grabbed your attention.

It was Jin.

You looked away, ignoring him.

"Y/N!" You heard someone call you from behind.

You didn't know who the person was since he was wearing a mask. You were ready to punch him but the persons voice stopped you.

"Y/N it's just me." He revealed his face, you put your hand down and laughed.

"You shouldn't do that, Chanyeol! I could have hit you."

Chanyeol laughed along with you.
"And I would have stopped you. You're not going to wave back?"

"To who?"

"To that guy over there." He looked at Jin then back at you

"No. I don't want to get involved with them anymore. They're not good news. Should we go now?"

Chanyeol nodded his head. The both of you leave the school to go somewhere.

Jin blinked several times. "Guys.."

He got their attention "Y/N just ignored me."

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asked

"I waved to Y/N but she didn't wave back." He looked to the direction you and Chanyeol took. "Instead she left with that guy from the cafeteria."

That guy again. Jimin thought.

"That guy is kinda pissing me off." Taehyung said in an annoyed tone.

Jungkook looked at you walking with Chanyeol frowning. "For the new kid, he's a little too clingy to Y/N."

"Yeah, and it's getting on my damn nerves" Jimin mumbled.

Sana approached them "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing" Jimin averted his eyes from your direction.

"Yeah, sure. Anyways let's go." Sana linked arms with Jimin but Jimin took his arm away.

They all looked at the way Jimin was behaving and knew the reason why. They were kinda feeling that way too.

You told Chanyeol he could pick the place you would study. You didn't expect him to pick an outdoor area.

"Why outdoors instead of indoors?"

He looked at you "You don't like outdoors?"

You shake your head and look at the book in front of you. "It's not that. It's just I rarely leave the house and it's Friday so there is a lot of people out. I'm just used to being alone."

"Why don't you leave your house?"

"I'm always studying."

"You really are a nerd aren't you?" Chanyeol chuckled to himself then stopped. "You must have a reason for it don't you? Maybe like your parents?"

You look at him and slightly nod
"It's my mother. My father doesn't live with us, he lives overseas. It's harsh. Both inside home and outside."

"Oh, I see."

"Can I ask you why you are wanting to learn English?"

"My parents are practically forcing me to learn it. They said it's better to learn more than one language. It's a real pain when they force you to do something. But I agreed to it so they would stop bothering me about how to live my life."

"If it was only that easy with my mother."

He looked at your facial expression. You looked sad.

"She doesn't have the slightest idea of what's going on with me at school. That I have no friends."

"Y/N, have you tried trusting people, those who say they want to be friends with you?"

You facial expression went cold
"Yeah, I have but they only ended up hurting me. They used me to get good grades on an exam. They said they wanted to be friends. The next thing you know, they don't even know who you are."

"Was it those guys from earlier, that's why you didn't wave back and you said they were bad news? How did you even help them study?"

"They didn't want to be seen in public with me so we studied outside the cafeteria. I felt like we grew closer together as time went by, but I guess it was only me. They were the first to ask if they wanted to be friends and I was so happy, I had to agree. But one day they weren't outside so I looked for them inside and they where sitting with a girl. I said "hey" and they said "who are you?"."

A tear fell down your cheek but you didn't seem to notice.

Chanyeol wiped your tear. You slightly flinched. "Y/N, I'll be your friend."

You look at him again.

"I will never be embarrassed to be seen with you."

"I'm not at the point where I can trust another person right now after what happened with them-

"But I'm not them. I'm Chanyeol, I showed you in the cafeteria when everyone was staring at us. After all, we have a lot in common."

"I'll ask you this. Y/N, do you want to be friends with me?"


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