12 | Rumors

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"Are you positive about all of this?" Sana asked Jinsie (her friend)

"Yes, when all the guys hung around her everyday at lunch for a week. I saw Jimin with her against the lockers, and was about to kiss her neck and also today when I saw Jimin go with Y/N to a café after school."

Jinsie showed Sana pictures she took of you and Jimin at the café and as well as the locker scene.

Sana's expression went cold. "So they all got close to Y/N when I wasn't there. That explains why Jimin didn't want to be with me, because he wanted to be around Y/N."


"Thank you for keeping me updated when I was gone, Jinsie. You did your job well on not getting caught."

"Anything for you Sana."

She crumbled up the picture of you and Jimin against the lockers.

"What should we do to embarrass her? Let me think.... ah! I know."

"What are you going to do?"

"Just wait, you'll find out. More like the whole school will know."


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