27 | Unexpectedly Together

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You and Jimin walked to the entrance of the school. You hesitated as you knew how many dirty looks you were going to get from all the girls.

Knowing that you were with Jimin was dangerous, especially knowing what many girls would do just to be able to have a simple conversation with him.

It's incredible what people can do these days. To being able to have an innocent girl move to another school or overseas, to having one of the biggest playboys wrapped around your finger in less than a few months.

Jimin grabbed your hand and gave you a look as if he were to say...

"Don't worry, everything will be alright."

It was honestly still so surreal for you. At first you hated this guy because he was being lazy for a simple class essay project. But now you're holding his hand, the hand of the man you loved.

No matter how much you doubted yourself in the past, it feels real, it feels right. You thought he was using you as some toy, but it turns out that he actually loves you.

Once you enter the school there is no one, since you are always the first one to arrive.

But once students started to pour in through the halls to line up by their class.

Jimin on the other hand had an intense feeling of wanting to show you off.

When the bell rang, you and Jimin went towards your locker so you could get your needed materials.

Some girls were passing by.

This was his chance...

He swiftly but gently grabbed your waist, pulled you into a hug and placed a kiss in your cheek.

The expression on their face was indescribable. They had shock, confusion and anger written all over them.

Jimin tried to hide his smirk as you buried your head on your notebooks and stared blankly at the floor. "Jimin, don't do this here, there are people staring..."

He chuckled at your embarrassment and pulled from the hug.

"Why? We're in a relationship aren't we?"

As soon as he said the word 'relationship' you looked away from his gaze. "You'll get embarrassed..."

His smile went to a frown as he held your chin and forced you to look at him. His gaze piercing yours. "No I won't. I'll never, ever get embarrassed by being seen by you, not anymore. All of these people don't understand what I feel for you, and they don't have to."

You looked into his caring eyes while blushing at the same time.

"C'mon let's go to class." He smiled and held your hand in the process.

Once you got to the classroom, Jimin grabbed your hand. "Sit with me."

"It's alright, I like sitting over there." You gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, I'll sit behind you then." He said.

"But Chanyeol sits there."

"Okay I'll just stay here then." He sounded upset but tried hard not to show it.

Minutes later, Chanyeol came into the classroom and once he saw you, he gave you a friendly hug.

"Hey Y/N-ah." He said as he pulled away. "Hey Chanyeol."

The teacher came in and you remembered how he told your mother you wanted an extension on the project. But after that, you disliked him.

About an hour into the class the teacher spoke to you.

"Y/N, you're needed in the office with your things."

Why would there be a reason for you to be in the office?

Just in case you didn't come back, you told Chanyeol you would text him.

When you made your way to the office, you heard laughing. You didn't want to disturb the conversation so you knocked before entering.

The principal was sitting in front of a woman. Her back was only visible to you but you could tell exactly who it was.

Your mother. Why was she here?

"Oh, Y/N you're here!" The principal said as soon as he saw you. Your mother turned around and made a gesture to come sit down next to her. You hesitated but soon made your way to the seat.

"Y/N, your mother was worried when you didn't come home, so she came here to look for you." He smiled.

You didn't once look at your mother, you just kept your eyes on the principal.

Minutes passed by, they were talking back and forth until your mother spoke. "I think we should be going now, thank you!"

"Yes no problem." He said stand up with us. You and your mother began walking towards the exit and into the car.

"Why did you come?" You said when she got into the drivers seat.

"I'm taking you home." She said without looking at me.

You didn't respond. Looking out the window you saw that your mother had taken another turn, away from your house. "Mother where are we going?"

"To the airport."

"What?! Why?!" You said panicked.

"I didn't forget about sending you overseas, Y/N." She said without emotion.

"No! I don't want to go! Stop the car now!" You said.

"Why do you want to stay so bad?"

You almost broke into tears. "Because for the first time I have friends! Friends that care for me! And you just want to take that away! This is so unfair!"

"You don't need friends Y/N! They just use you for grades!" She yelled.

"That's not true! Stop the car!"

"You got yourself into this." She said as she turned to look at you. Tears falling down your face, but obviously not affecting her. She laughed. "Open your eyes Y/N! They're just using you! Don't fall for their-"

"Mother watch out!"


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