20 | A Date

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"I what?"

He stood there for a few seconds. He sighed while releasing your wrist. "Never mind, just go on your date with him."

"Right... " You left.

"'She took the wrong idea that I stared having feelings for you or something'", is that really what you said?"

"You know well and so do we that you really have feelings for Y/N. You didn't need to lie to yourself or her."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I know."

"Y/N is going on date with Chanyeol. Aren't you mad or jealous?"

"Of course I am."

Yoongi chuckled. "The playboy has fallen in love and he's jealous."

"Shut up!"

"Why didn't you say it? You were so close."

"I don't know..."


"Over here Y/N."

You walk to Chanyeol.

"I was getting worried. Where were you?"

"I had to-

I was about to lie to him, but no, I can't.

"I had a conversation with Jimin."

Chanyeol's smile turned into a frown.
"I see.....We should go now."

"Lead the way. I don't really know any date places."

"Oh right, I'm your first date. Well then, lets get going Y/N." He smile


"Here we are, the amusement park."

"I haven't been here in such a long time."

"Let's go have fun Y/N."

"Okay. Oh, let's ride that one."

"Then come on slow poke, no time to waste."

You ride many rides together. Screaming when the ride drops down fast. Laughing at each other. Making fun of each other and mimicking each other's screams.

It was getting late and you and Chanyeol's throats were getting dry because of all the screaming.

So you bought drinks. Chanyeol had gotten the big cup of water and you got the small cup. Chanyeol drank it all, almost at once.

You both walk around for a while looking for new rides.

"I shouldn't have drank the water so fast, now I have to go to the bathroom."

"I know. You can't hold it anymore?
Water, water, rain, more water..."

"Stop that! Ah, now I really have to go. Can you wait here? You can rest for a while, I'm going to try to find the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll rest, you can go."

"Call me if anything happens, alright?"

You nod and he left. You look through your phone when a figure approaches you from the front.

"Come with me, Y/N."

The person grabs your hand to walk away from you were sitting. You began to panic because you couldn't see the persons face. You hit then stranger hard on the head.

"Ow! Y/N, why did you do that?! It's me, Jimin."

"Jimin?! Damn it, you scared me!"

"I called your name, but I guess you didn't hear me."

"Still, you should have said it was you, not just grab my arm out of nowhere. Wait, how did you know I was here?"

"I didn't, I was just... passing by and saw you."

"What do you even want? If nothing, then I'm going back."

"No, wait."

He took you to a ride.

"The zipper? What about it?"

"Ride it with me."


"I'm not taking no for an answer." He leaded you into the ride. The owner buckled the seatbelt before closing the door. You look beside you towards Jimin's direction only to see the little space between you, and the closed door isn't helping either.

You began to blush and it was getting hot. This didn't happen when you were with Chanyeol on those other rides. Why with him?

You enjoyed being with Jimin and so did he.

"Here we go! Y/N get ready."

"Ready for wha-AH!"

Jimin flipped the cart frontwards with all his weight grabbing you by surprise, also hurting your stomach because of the seatbelt. He began to laugh.

"You could've at least warn- UGH! Jimin!"

You turn to him who apparently was laughing a lot like you haven't seen before. You felt butterflies in your stomach, not because of the ride, but because of his laughter.

Catching him of guard you flipped the cart.

"Ow, that hurts."

"You started it. I'll do it again."

"Not if I do it first."

You were having fun flipping the cart. Even though it hurt, you both enjoyed being next to each other. But rides don't last forever.

"That was fun. I'm not sure if my stomach hurts because of all the laughing or the seatbelt."

"Same goes for me." You said in a slightly sad voice. Even thought you came with Chanyeol, you didn't want to leave Jimin.

Jimin held your hand once again but this time intertwining his fingers. Leading you to a different ride.

It was way higher that the other rides except for the Ferris Wheel, but you haven't been on it yet.

You didn't want to look down but you couldn't help it.

You closed your eyes. "This is really high!"

"Not really. Y/N, watch this."

He began to shake the swing back and forth. You squeezed both your hands, one on one of the chains and the other on Jimin's hand.

"Don't do that! We're going to fall."

Jimin chuckles to himself. He squeezed back, letting go of your hand and pulling you into his chest as he rested his arm over your shoulder. You opened you eyes, feeling your heart beat increase rapidly.

"Don't focus down under us but in front and above us. Enjoy the sunset and the breeze blowing in your face. I'm here don't be scared."

You sit up to feel the breeze upon your face but Jimin quickly pulled you back into his arms. "Did I ever say you could leave my arms? Enjoy it like this."

You enjoyed it so much you didn't even budge trying to escape. He laid his head beside yours and began to swing the swing back and forth again. This time you didn't feel scared. You felt safe in Jimin's arms.

The ride ended. When you start to walk away Jimin saw Chanyeol from a distance while you kept walking.

"Y/N, close your eyes."

"Huh, why?"

"Just close them."

You closed your eyes.

"Don't tell anyone about this, especially him..."


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