Chapter Fourteen~Truth

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It would be a lie for me to say I got even a lick of sleep that night. I knew it wasn't healthy, and I knew I needed the sleep considering I'd only gotten two hours in the last forty eight, but my mind was focused on too many things.

Already I was missing my Chosen and I was sure it was because I'd succumbed to the fact that I'd never talk to them again. There was a chance that they could be my soulmates, but I'd never let them fall to such a fate, not when they could have better.

Then there was the fact that they were texting and calling me nonstop to the point where I'd had to go to the library to charge the phone because they were draining it so quickly. I'd thought at first I'd keep it thinking they could text me if they needed me, but all nine of them were just asking me if I was alright and to come back. I couldn't trust what they said when they were so desperate to get me back, I'd have to rely solely on my visions. Tomorrow at school I'd return the phone with everything else, and each message they sent spurred this thought along. It was only when midnight came around that the texts and calls seemed to cease almost all at once and I didn't doubt that someone must have made them stop. Mr. Blackbourne most likely because it was him who had sent the last message "We are always here for you". But even after the phone silenced, I couldn't sleep even if exhaustion pleaded me to.

The world didn't seem safe to me, though it never had been for me. Stress had enveloped my mind in a ferocious grip, not only did I have to worry about Greg, but Volto too who seemed to have a hidden agenda. Both of them were out there right now, doing who knows what, but they could also be just feet from me, lingering in the dark shadows.

Your death shall be mine, Volto had promised. A threat that for some reason I knew to be true. There was a hunch inside me, a deep feeling that told me that yes, Volto would be the one to kill me and I had no idea why I felt that way. There was no evidence behind these feelings except for Volto's words and that had scared me.

Every movement of the land caused my heart to nearly jolt itself out of my chest. Every snapping twig, every drop of dew, and every crackle from a creature was morphed into Volto's or Greg's footsteps. I was tempted to lure one of the animals to me, to have a bird or squirrel accompany me so I wouldn't have to be by myself, but part of me felt I deserved to be alone. At Dr. Green's condo I'd felt an odd sensation of relaxation and of being protected that I hadn't even realized I'd felt until now. They made me feel safe, just knowing I wasn't alone. While they shouldn't have comforted me or helped, they still had and I'd gotten to used to it even though it had barely lasted a day. They'd protected me without asking for anything else in return, what kind of men did that?

It made me feel guilty, I'd abandoned them just like they'd abandoned my on Monday. I knew personally how much that hurt, and yet here I was doing the exact same thing. True, it was for different reasons, but my actions were the same. Did that make me as cruel as they had been? Were they hurting like I had hurt? Their countless messages had seemed to say so and it was eating me alive.

Hadn't I been mentally begging them to stay with me on Monday? Hadn't I wanted to take away my actions so they wouldn't leave? Now, they had texted and called me, begging for me to at least tell them I was safe, and I couldn't even do that much. I was awful, truly awful and the shame and remorse I felt constantly teased at my mind. Which is why, when the phone started buzzing again in my hands in the wee hours of the morning, I looked at it. This was the first message since midnight, who would it be?

While it was the exact same silent buzzing tune from earlier, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency from it. Slowly I flipped the phone around so I could see the screen, it was Victor. What did he want? Was it another call to see if I was fine? Was he hurt? There was a moment where I almost let it go to voicemail, but at the last second I answered it, and as soon as he hung up on me I wished I hadn't.

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