Chapter Twenty Two~Scapegoat

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Even though I told Mr. Blackbourne I was fine to go to school, that I was feeling completely recovered, he still wouldn't let me go. His reasoning was that he wanted me to take a nap and have a good lunch-that school would get in the way of doing those things. He even mentioned the fact that I didn't have my backpack and that the boys had not only done my homework for me, they'd even turned it in for me. It was strange, being taken care of to this extent. I wasn't used to anyone at any point in my life doing something as nice as that. But while I'd never admit it out loud, I secretly hoped it would continue.

It caused a warmness in me, a soothing feeling. The feeling of being loved. Something I'd never felt before.

I knew that it was likely none of them but Victor loved me-even he had never spoken the words-but at the very least they cared enough about me to take care of things.

Instead, Owen asked me about the money I had stashed around. I told him, a little embarrassed, that I'd buried it around in a few areas. Completely patient, and in no rush he drove me to each of the spots to collect it. He said he'd invest it for me in a secure slow growing stock and open up an account so I could use a debit card instead of carrying around cash. Apparently there were ways to give me a card without having my name linked to it in anyway without it being illegal to still use it. Technically the money would be under his own name, but it would be mine to use as I wanted.

When I asked him about how he was supposed to explain suddenly having a half million dollars in cash, he was oddly vague. I theorized that the Academy would either do something, or that Mr. Blackbourne was rich and the amount wouldn't draw any raised eyebrows. I figured it would be him having to be audited-not me and realized worst case scenario I could compel someone to find it completely normal.

I used my magic to levitate the dirt up, using minor concentration. When the money was revealed, wrapped up in my torn up shirt, I dropped the dirt away in a small pile.

"It is absolutely astounding watching you use magic," Owen told me as I knelt down to grab the small pile of money.

I blushed but looked up with a small smile, "It isn't anything too interesting." Honestly it wasn't, "You'll get used to it soon and it won't even phase you."

He cocked his head and pursed his lips ever so slightly, "Perhaps." He said simply, not expanding on it.

I lifted the money up, leaving the shirt scrap where it was. Flipping through the money I estimated this hole only had twenty thousand or so. The other ones had more. "This was the last one," I lied testing out a small theory of mine.

His eyes narrowed slightly, "I've already told you, Miss Sorenson, I have no intention of taking your money from you. If you still wish to hide a small amount in cash somewhere, you are more than welcome, but I ask that you keep it somewhere where nature won't decompose it."

I shook my head, "I know, I lied on purpose. Did you feel that I was lying with your perception or with the same feeling you had earlier?"

His eyebrows quirked at my little experiment, but he thought about it, "I am not positive, but I believe it was just me-no magic involved."

I nodded, "We'll have to test it out with someone who isn't as bad as a liar as I am."

His lips quirked up slightly, "You are a horrendous liar."

It only took thirty more minutes to go to the remaining spots, by the end up it, there was a large stack of money. I held it in my hands, struggling slightly to do so, but it was better than it scattering around. Mr. Blackbourne shook his head, "I don't mean to sound accusing, but where did you get this money?"

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