Chapter Two

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Harry and Ivy were nine years old, it was Halloween. Ivy was going out with Remus and Sirius later, Harry was staying in and cooking.

At this point, Harry was at about the level of a sixth year. He still spent all his free time in the library and was still good in his muggle school. He continued to study past what he was taught. Classes were boring, he already knew everything that he was being taught.

Everything with his godfathers was even worse now. The yelling was happening way more now, Ivy was always annoyed with it. The hitting happened way more than before now. He told himself that he needed to stop complaining about his own life when so many people had it worse off. On the other hand, everything between Ivy and her godfather had gotten even better. They never raised their voices to her, much less put their hands on her. She got everything she wanted as soon as she asked, sometimes without her even asking. Harry wouldn't say he was jealous, he was more glad that it was him and not her, he'd always felt the need to protect her. Harry did everything and got nothing for it, while Ivy did nothing but got everything for it.

Since it was Halloween, Harry wasn't doing well. He never was this time of year. It always surprised him how fine the other three seemed despite it being their parents or best friends anniversary of their death.

He was sitting in the library, reading a book on transfiguration and testing a few spells out. He heard the now very familiar sound of someone yelling, Sirius was calling him down the stairs.

He sighed and changed the stag back into a book before walking down the stairs.

"Yes?" He asked after getting into the living room.

"Why isnt dinner already done?" Sirius asked. Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"What time is it?" He asked. He didn't believe he had been in the library for several hours.

"Five." Sirius answered.

"Five? I'm not supposed to be cooking for two more hours." Harry said.

"Stop talking back!" Sirius yelled at him. Harry sighed.

"If you want an early dinner so bad than cook it your damn self." He said, crossing his arms. Sirius' eyes flashed with anger. Harry didn't find himself caring.

Sirius grabbed his arm and pulled him into the kitchen. He opened the door to it and pushed Harry in.

Harry's nostrils flared. He turned and saw Remus with his head in his hands, sitting at the table. He looked sick. Harry knew the full moon was the next night, he was slightly concerned but also cautious. Remus was always more likely to get mad at him during this time.

Harry walked to the cabinets and stood on a chair to reach everything. He occasionally glanced over at Remus, wondering if he should bother asking if he was okay. He started putting everything together and eventually got it all cooking.

He glanced over a Remus again. "Are you okay?" He asked. He knew Remus was likely going to be annoyed with him for talking.

"I'm fine." Remus said, already sounding irritated. Harry nodded and turned away.

"Are you sure? Because I know the ful-" He started after a minute of contemplating.

"Shut up! Do you ever stop talking!" Remus yelled. Harry got angry again.

"I was jus-" He started.

"Stop. Talking." Remus said through gritted teeth.

"Sor-" He started.

"Can you not listen to simple requests! Merlin, I wish we would have left you at Godrics Hallow. Where the people who are dead because of you are." Remus said.

Harry tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He felt his mouth go dry and he tried to hold back the water that grew in his eyes. He of course blamed himself for the deaths, he knew full well it was his fault, but hearing someone else say it was harder to deal with. Remus was still looking at him and he looking Harry over, as if wondering what was wrong with him.

"Sorry." He said again, his voice broke halfway through the word. He walked out of the room and straight to his room. He didn't want to deal with them today.

He sat on his bed and tried to get himself to stop crying. He hated the feeling he had, he couldn't describe it but it was horrible. He hated not being able to put a word to it, that always helped him with feeling like it was more normal.

Harry wiped at the tears every second, willing them to go away and getting annoyed when they didn't. Someone started banging on the door, he jumped. He wiped at his eyes again and tried to make it look like he hadn't been crying. He eventually walked out and kept his head down. He was determained not to talk, he was to worried that he would start crying again if he did.

He saw Sirius there, and from the way he was tapping his foot Harry could also tell he was angry. He waited for him to start screaming at him.

Sirius started yelling about how he shouldn't have been yelling at Remus and how he was an insufferable brat.

Harry flinched slightly when Sirius started yelling. He felt his eyes start to get wet again and he begged himself not to cry in front of Sirius. He tried to focus on not letting the tears fall.

"I wish you-know-who would have just killed you that night! They're dead because of you, all you do is ruin people's lives!" He yelled. Harry bit his cheek.

He listened to Sirius yell for ten minutes until he got fed up. "Enough!" He yelled, looking up, his voice was thick and as soon as he talked, he felt a tear fall from his eye. "Do you find pleasure in telling nine year olds that they're the damn reason for their own parents being killed? You act like I don't already know damn well that it's my fault. How could I forget when you remind me every damn day?" Harry said. "Grow the hell up." He said before turning and slamming his door. He magically locked it behind himself.

He grabbed his trunk and opened it. He started putting his stuff into it before he shrunk it and shoved it in his pocket. He couldn't deal with them anymore. He was leaving.

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