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So I haven't worked on this in ages. People keep commenting and asking for an update but I don't think I'm going to. I love getting comments from people that enjoy my writing and it makes me feel kinda bad that I'm most likely discontinuing this. I've really lost interest in this but I hope that way day I'll be inspired to write more for it.

Currently, I'm working on two original stories with a friend of mine. Also another Harry Potter fanfic that I find a lot more interesting to write about. I'm really sorry to anyone that wants me to continue this. Maybe one day I will, but don't get your hopes up.

Thank you to everybody that comments and votes for this, I appreciate you all.

Btw I have a small thing I wrote a while ago for this so comment if any of you want it. It's not complete though.

The Forgotten Twin | Harry Potter |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora