Chapter Nineteen

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Harry couldn't stay at the Grimmauld place, he kept having anxiety attacks and he hated it. It was so much easier with Draco and Luna to remind him it wasn't the past and things had changed but without them it was hard.

Everyone had been sending him owls and he had sent them back. He decided he would have to go to Ron's house, he had only been here a week and he already couldn't handle it.

He sent Ron the owl, after a day of mental preparation, and waited for a reply. A day after he had been here Ron informed him his mother said Harry could stay as long as he wanted.

A few hours later, Hedwig flew into his window with a letter from Ron, telling him that he and Molly would be there to get him the next morning. He sighed in relief.

He went down the stairs to see the other three all eating dinner. "I'm going to Ron's house for the rest of the summer." He told them, feeling bad. Remus and Sirius looked slightly disappointed.

"Good riddance." Ivy mumbled, Remus sighed at her comment but Harry knew he would never criticize her.

"Ron and Mrs. Weasley are coming in the morning." He added as a second thought. They nodded.

Harry wanted to say something because he felt bad, he hated upsetting people. "Its not you two, I just haven't seen Ginny in a while, and Ron offered so I didn't want to say no." He lied. Looking just slightly better, they nodded again.

He grabbed some water before going back to his room to get his things ready.

He threw his needed items into the trunk and wrote some letters back to the others. He thought back to Christmas Break when he decided he wanted to see his aunt, but Remus and Sirius had warned that they didn't care much for wizards and witches. He wasn't sure he could handle that just yet, maybe after he relaxed. He was just really tense after being at this place, he needed to leave again.

He had already finished his summer homework, he spent a lot of time alone in his room. That was the thing that had changed most in this house. It used to be a single old bed in a tiny room, but now the room had been expanded and they had added more furniture and gotten a new bed. If it wasn't for the overall feeling of this house, he wouldn't have a problem just staying in this room.

He tried and failed, just like every night for the past week, to get some sleep. He gave up and read, after a few hours, long after the others were asleep, he drifted off.


He woke early after another dream about Quirrell, he had only gotten two hours of sleep. But that was more than usual so he accepted it and got up to make coffee.

He drunk that and made sure everything was packed up. He re-read a textbook out of boredom and a few hours later went back down the stairs to make breakfast. He hadn't been told to make it, but he still felt it was expected of him, and he did it.

When the others finally woke he gave it to them and headed back up for yet another check that he had everything, even though he knew he did.

An hour later, which he spent reading and writing a few letters, he heard someone call his name from down the stairs. He set his quill down and walked down the stairs, to see Ron and Mrs. Weasley in the living room. Molly talked to Remus while Ron uncomfortably looking at the judgemental portraits.

"Hello." He said.

"Harry!" Ron said, as if it had been much longer than a week.

Harry couldn't help the smile that followed Ron's excitement at seeing him.

"Hi." He replied.

"We have got to hurry back." Molly told them, Harry nodded and grabbed his trunk, deciding not to levitate it, Ron's dad worked at the ministry. He had spoken with some people, mostly Dumbledore, and they were seeing if he could use magic outside of Hogwarts. He was waiting for a letter now. He expected that they would say he couldn't but Dumbledore said he would try.

They floo'd to Ron's house and saw Fred and George rushing past and up to their room. Percy was walking into the bathroom. Ginny was sitting in the living room, she stood up when she heard them come in.

She greeted Harry and hugged him. The three of them talked for a bit and told each other what they had been doing. Ron was supposed to help Molly with dinner that day so after a bit he went off to do that. Harry was happy to be able to talk to Ginny again.

"You excited to go to Hogwarts next year?" He asked her. She nodded enthusiastically.

"Definitely, I can't wait. My brothers have told me so much about it. Hopefully I won't have to deal with you-know-who like you did." She said with a smile. "By the way, how are you? After the whole thing with Quirrell?" She asked him.

"I'm fine." He answered shortly, she set a hand on top of his and smiled at him.

"Luna seemed cool when I met her, and Draco was nice. My mum seemed surprised that a Malfoy could be nice." She told Harry, he smiled.

"They're amazing, all of them are. You should meet Pansy, she reminds me of you." He said. She nodded. "Which house are you hoping for?" He asked. She gave him a look like it was a dumb question.

"Gryffindor of course." She replied, he nodded at her.

"It's a good house, a very iffy house though, everyone is either amazing or horrible. There's no in between." He said, thinking of a few students he could live without.

"So I've heard." She replied.

"How has it been? I haven't really been able to talk to you for a long time." He asked her.

"I've been good, nothing really interesting has happened so far. I have gotten Fred and George to finally let me use their brooms to play quidditch." She said excitedly. He smiled.

"So you still like quidditch?" He asked.

"Definatly, it's so much fun. I hope to join the Gryffindor team when I get older." She said, her eyes were lighting up at the mention of the sport. "How have you liked the quidditch team?" She asked him.

"It's fun, everyone is amazing. Flying feels amazing, and the feeling when you catch the snitch and win the game is the best feeling ever." He said, eyes lighting in the same way her's had. "We can play some if you want?"

She nodded, "Yeah, we could have a game. Charlie and Bill are planning to come and visit." She added.

"Your brothers?" He asked. She nodded.

They talked for a long time about a lot. The discussion of Quidditch lasted a long time. Eventually they were asked to come and eat.

Harry planned to sleep in Ron's room with him but the two and Ginny ending up falling asleep in the living room. Harry's glasses were slipping off his face. Ginny and Harry were lying on the same couch, legs tangled together. Ron was asleep on the chair right next to the couch. Harry finally slept well.

(A/N) Finally I've updated. I know it took forever, sorry. School's just been a lot of work and I've had to write a lot of essay's which has just discouraged me from writing. Anyways, thanks for reading. Comment what you want to happen in the story. Hope you enjoyed, bye!

Q: Dark or milk chocolate? (I've had many debates about this recently.)

A: I like both, it depends on what I'm craving.

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