Chapter Three

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Sirius stood outside Harry's door for a moment. At first, he was angry at Harry for being rude. Then he thought more about what Harry said and found himself to reminded of his own childhood. He refused to believe he was as bad as his family. He walked down the stairs to sit next to Remus in the kitchen.

"You okay Moons?" He asked Remus, wrapping their hands together.

"No." Remus answered.

"The full moon's tomorrow night, right?" Sirius asked.

"Well, yes, but that's not the problem." Remus answered. Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You know how Harry was cooking?" He asked, Sirius nodded. "Well, I started yelling at him because he was asking if I was okay." Remus answered, putting his head in his hand. "He looked so... I don't know. He looked completely exhausted. He looked like James did at his parent's funeral." He said. "Like he had completely given up and was just done with everything. Merlin Pads, he's the same age as Ivy." Remus said, sighing.

"I yelled at him to. Hell, he started crying. I've never seen him cry before." Sirius said. "And he said that he blamed himself for James and Lily dying. Merlin, I'm a horrible person." He said.

"It's not just you." Remus replied with a sigh.

"We should find him. After I... saw him, he went back into his room." Sirius said. Remus nodded and stood up.

They didn't know that Harry was already out of the house and didn't intend to listen to their pointless apologies.

(A/N) Really short one, mostly just a filler.

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