Chapter Twelve

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(A/N) Sorry about the large time skip but I mean, if I'm gonna put eight years into one book I can't explain how every day goes. It's about a Week before their Christmas break now.

The past months had been okay, he slowly got used to seeing the others. Halloween has been bad as it always was, the weeks before and after were filled with bad sleeping and horrible nightmares. On Halloween itself, he didn't leave his bed for anything, did not talk to anyone. Mcgonagall had called him in and he answered simply, leaving as soon as he could. He slept through most of that day, nightmares horrible but not waking him up, just the night playing on repeat in his mind, every horribly vivid detail of it.

Harry woke up early as usual. His sleeping had finally gone back to normal, for the most part, and he didn't have to worry about falling asleep in class anymore, which he had done to many times. It was a Saturday so he didn't have any classes to get to.

He went through his usual morning routine and woke up everyone else. When they were ready, Ron, Neville, and himself went and met Hermione in the common room and headed off to the great hall.

While walking, they saw Draco and he walked with them as well. They knew Luna was already in there, seeing as she woke up before even Professors did.

They went and sat down at the Gryffindor table, Draco and Luna with them as well. Before, you weren't allowed to mix tables but Harry had went and argued with Dumbledore about that after he found out how Draco had been treated by his fellow Slytherins. Now, you could sit at whatever table you wanted.

While you could, most wouldn't move and the Slytherins wouldn't allow anyone to sit at there table anyways. The only tables that mixed together were Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, not counting Luna or Draco who were the only ones from their houses who moved.

Harry layed dramatically against Draco's shoulder. "Draco, I'm dying!" He exclaimed.

"No you're not." Draco replied, looking amused.

"Yeah I am. Christmas Break is coming up and I have to go see Dumbledore and those other two to talk about where I'm going. They're gonna make me go with them." Harry explained.

"I'll go with you." Draco said. The others all nodded to say they were going to.

"You don't have to if you don't want." Harry said.

"Nonsense, we're going." Hermione told him. Harry nodded and they went to finish their breakfast.

They all stood up when they had finished and started to the office. When they left, a Slytherin outside the door started talking to Draco.

"Bet you can't wait to get home. Your parents will be exuberant to hear how you've been acting." They said.

"Leave, Crabbe." Harry said simply.

"You can't tell me what to do. You and your boyfriend can't do anythin-" He had started again, only to stop when he was shoved against a wall.

"Shut it, Crabbe. I'm not dealing with your crap right now." Harry said to him.

"Potter!" Was yelled. Harry turned to see McGonagall standing there. "What on earth are you doing!" She asked.

"He was told to shut up and when he wouldn't I changed my course of action. It's his own fault for not knowing when to stop talking." Harry said simply before letting go of Crabbe and turning on his heals towards Dumbledores office, the others following.

When they got there, Harry said the password and the door opened for them. They walked silently up the stairs.

Harry knocked on the door and heard a "Come in." From inside. He opened the door and saw Dumbledore as well as Remus, Sirius, and Ivy.

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