Chapter 8

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Chapter 8   Embarrassment

When I woke up, I didn't know what time it was or anything. I laid there for about 20 minutes just listening to what Amanda and Teresa had to say. I didn't really feel like talking, and I didn't want Amanda to know that I was up. I found myself thinking about my dad. Thinking of all the things we used to do together. I cried the rest of the way there. I just wanted my father back. Everything was just so surreal. I'm lying in the backseat of a car that isn't my dad's, I'm wearing a diaper and I'm living with my teacher. It was all so confusing. I just wanted to die, that way I could be with my dad again. I know it was bad to think about that, because I do have it pretty good right now, I am with a loving family, opposed to being in an orphanage. But I wanted my daddy. I cried until I had no tears left. I hurt all over, especially my heart.

I felt the car pull to a stop and I pretended to be asleep again. I opened my eyes just a little bit and saw that we were at the Hilton. Teresa had all the bags since Amanda's arms were in use. Oh crap! I realized that I was in a wet diaper, and there were people around! I know that the way I was being carried around, people could tell. My pink shirt just didn't cut it. I figured that it would cover the diaper better than pants, but when it was being lifted up by someone's arms, it doesn't really cover anything. I was so mortified I didn't know what to do! I could get down and walk so no one would see the diaper anymore, or I could just stay in Amanda's arms pretending to be asleep, that way I wouldn't be so embarrassed from the people who already saw the diaper. We finally got up to the front check-in counter, and they had to verify our information. Teresa was angry because they overbooked and now we couldn't stay on the corporate floor with Adam and Bill. Amanda said she was taking me to the bathroom to change me, so she grabbed my diaper bag and headed to the handicap stall. 

When we got in there, she laid me down on the floor. She pulled my pants down and undid the diaper. I was blushing so much, hopefully she didn't notice. She wiped and powdered me and then put me into a new diaper. Ugh, I didn't want to wear another one. I wanted a goodnight! I couldn't say anything because I was pretending to be asleep. So it kind of sucked.

Amanda set me on the counter, leaning against her as she washed her hands, and then took me back out to the check-in counter. I learned that we had a discount because they made a mistake, but we were staying on the 7th floor instead of the 2nd.

We got into the elevator and then finally into our room. I was immediately put into the bed and tucked in. I was hungry though. I laid in the bed for a little bit just to make sure they thought I was really asleep, then I sat up.

"Hey sunshine." Amanda said to me. 

"Have a good sleep hunnie?" is what I heard from Teresa.

"Yeah, I did, but now I'm hungry."

"No worries." Amanda said, "We were just about to wake you up, we are leaving for dinner in about 15 minutes, soon as the boys get here."

"Oh, okay, where are we going?"

"To a little restaurant called 'Macaroni Joe's'." Teresa answered me.

My dad and I used to go there all the time. Tears welled up in my eyes, I put my face into my pillow to try and hide my red, wet eyes.

"Awwe, baby, what's wrong?" Amanda asked me.


"Sweetie, just tell me, c'mon, I am here for you."

I sat up and looked her in the eye, she sat down next to me and started rubbing my back.

"Well, it's just that me and my daddy always used to go there on special occasions. That was our favorite restaurant."

Then I started crying even harder. Amanda pulled me into a hug and started to rock me side to side. It only made me feel a little bit better. I lost control of my bladder, but I didn't even care. Amanda wiped my tears away and sat me on her lap and cuddled me. The boys walked in, both ready to go out for dinner.

"There's my girl, how you doing Lyra?"

"Good." I said in a muffled voice.

Amanda gave Adam a look and he cleared his throat in a weird way and said it was getting late, so we better go. When I looked around, I saw that the boys were dressed in business suits and Amanda and Teresa were in dresses. I guess I missed when they changed. I felt very childish, with just a pink shirt on and baggy blue jeans on with sneakers. I wanted to dress up too, but I didn't even have nice clothes to wear. Oh well. We got to the restaurant and we were escorted to a table that was already full of people. I guess the whole company went for dinner too. I was the only kid, which made me feel even smaller. When it was time to order, I was given a coloring page with a kid's menu on the back. I ordered chicken spaghetti, and a water. I wasn't really spoken to, except by Amanda, Teresa, Adam, and Bill. The only time I was recognized was when I got a short introduction from Adam, but that was it. By the time dinner was over, which I ate all my dinner, I had 2 glasses of water, and had one small piece of cheesecake. I had a huge stomach ache. During dinner, I peed in my diaper at least twice, and now I really had to poop.

"Amanda?" I whispered to her, tugging on her arm.

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Umm, I need to go potty..." I said.

"Just go in your diaper hunny, that's what it's for."

"No, uh, I gotta, uh... go poo-poo." I said in a nervous voice.

"Ooh, okay, it's okay, you can go here, when you are all done, we can go change you."

"No! I am NOT a baby! I want to go in the toilet!" I said that a little bit too loudly, and got a few stares.

I was so embarrassed! I ran to the bathroom, and went into a stall. I remembered that I had to go poop, so I pulled my pants down and started to untape the diaper, but by that time, it was too late. I was so frustrated with myself, I can't believe I didn't make it! I just pulled my pants back up, and sat on the open toilet. Amanda came in looking for me. She knocked on the stall but I didn't say anything. She knew it was me and tried getting me out.


I was so angry! It was here fault my dad died. It was all her fault. I didn't forget to tell her that when I yelled at her. That all lasted about 10 minutes. I wanted to run away. I ran out of the bathroom stall but Amanda blocked the door and pulled me into a tight hug. I punched and kicked her, but she never let go. Finally I was so weak I just hugged her back and cried. I apologized over and over again, about how sorry I was. She said it didn't matter, just not to do it again. I promised that I wouldn't and she told me it was time to go. She walked me to the car, put me in the backseat, and told me she would be right back and she locked the doors. I was kind of scared all alone there not to mention that I was uncomfortable, as I was in a messy diaper and it smelt. Amanda got in the back seat with me and then Adam got in beside her. Teresa was driving and Bill was in the front seat with her. Amanda cuddled me in the backseat while Adam cuddled her. It was like one big family.

I fell asleep and was carried into the hotel by Adam. The boys went to their room and left us girls alone. Teresa changed my diaper while Amanda was in the shower, and I was just put in a shirt and a goodnight. I was tucked into bed and was ignorant to anything else that happened that night. It was all a good thing
too, because during the night, Adam and Teresa switched rooms. I didn't know what all happened, but I am sure that I didn't want to know.

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