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"First, you have to let me out of this room."

Looking at Jungkook, my heart feels panicky at the sudden request.

Do I let him out of the room? He hasn't shown any signs of ever hurting me, so why do I feel so nervous?

He looks at me with a small smile, causing me to swallow hard and look down at the floor.


I walk over to the room as he follows close behind me, looking slightly excited to get out of his room, I can't blame him though...I can't imagine never being able to go anywhere ever again.

Oh wait, I sort of know the feeling.

Opening the door, I step out into the clearing and watch as Jungkook follows me, smiling wide and feeling the different walls.

"Wow...this feels nice."

I look over at him and smile, feeling warmth in my chest at his happiness, if he's happy, I'm happy.

Leading him to the small kitchen, I look up at him and scratch my head.

"Um...Here it is..."

He looks around the room and then places his hands on my waist, I squeak and put my hands on his wrists as he lifts me up onto the counter with a deep smile.

"I saw this in a movie, this is where the female sits."

Dumb movies.

I feel my face fill with a blush as he places his hands on either side of me and presses his lips against mine.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I feel him smile in between kisses, his soft lips warm and plump against mine as our mouths morph together in perfect harmony.

When he breaks the kiss he does his best wink and grabs a pan.

"I also learned that from a movie."

I stay quiet while watching him prepare the perfect pancakes, every once and a while looking up at me with a smile.

My heart beats quickly in my chest whenever he looks up at me, I can't help but want to touch him again.

Jumping off the counter, I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, causing him to stop cooking for a second and make a soft noise.

"I learned this from a movie..."

I smile softly and press my face against his electronic back, hearing the gears whirr softly, that noise always brings me extreme comfort, it's so familiar now.

He places each pancake on a plate for me, drenching them in syrup as I laugh and grab it.

"Why so much syrup?"

"Because, you are sweet."

I blush hard and look up at him, a cheeky smile filling his beautiful cheeks.

Patting his arm softly I massage his wrist then start to eat the pancakes, they're absolutely delicious and I almost fall over.

"Woah...these are amazing!!"

I look over at Jungkook who suddenly looks like he's longing for something, his gaze far away even though he's staring right at me.

" alright?...."

His gaze returns locked on me as he rubs my free hand softly.

"What is it like to eat?"

My heart drops with sadness, I never thought stuff like this could happen, Jungkook wants nothing more than to be able to do everything a human can do, which most of it he can do.

Except for eat.

"'s actually not that fun.."

He eyes me curiously and a light bulb goes off in my head.

"Actually, humans need to eat to live, it isn't fun. Our stomachs always hurt, always. But you get to avoid all of that, you don't have to feel the human pain."

He suddenly gets a concerned look and tugs the plate away, leaning down and rubbing my stomach softly.

Okay. Don't let your face explode Emily. Dont.

"I don't want your stomach to hurt Emily..."

Blushing and chuckling softly, I place my hands in his hair and massasge softly.

"Yahhh...Kookie I'm alright, I'm a special human, my stomach doesn't hurt all the time. Don't worry okay?"

My blush flares through my whole body when he lets his head rest on my lap, he rubs my legs softly and offers me a nod.

"'re a special human..."

My human.

My entire body is about to combust sitting in this position, Jungkook doesn't even care that he's still standing up.

"J-Jungkook...I're not going to be very comfortable like that..."

He lifts his head up and meets my eyes, keeping his hands on my legs as he pouts like a child.

"Then can we go in my room and sit like this?"

With a deep sigh, I give in. He's too cute and innocent at this point to ever say no to him.


After finally getting a chance to finish my pancakes, I allow myself to be lead into the room by a perky Jungkook.

He grasps my hand gently and tugs me inside, signaling for me to sit on his bed.

Complying, I sit with my back up against the wall, crossing my legs and allowing him to lay his head in my lap.

He loves laying like this, he says it's because he can hear my heart beating down by my stomach.

Lol, he's talking about my pulse. Cute.

Playing with his hair, I watch as his eyes slowly start to close. He has nerves just like a human does, so I'm sure this feels as good to him as it does a normal human.

To test my theory, I slowly stop massaging his scalp, lifting my hands up and Jungkook immediately grabs my hand with a whine.

"No....Don't stop...please...."

My face flushes red at his words, he seems like an innocent child at this point, wanting constant attention.

So I return my hands to his hair, hearing his soft moans of pleasure causing my insides to shake like a leaf.

Leaning down, I press my lips softly on his temple, he's already asleep but he still shifts as I lay my head back onto the wall and fall asleep holding him.


"Sir, the girl has let the robot out of the containment center, your plan is working."

With a wicked cackle, the man hooks his fingers around a long ruby cane.

"I knew it would work."

"Should we move in on her now sir?"

"No. Wait a little bit longer. I want them to get niiice and close before we go in."

With another wicked smile plastering his wrinkled oily face, the servant bows and returns to the seat in front of a television screen watching every move Dr. Marks and Jungkook make.


But like, just imagine Jungkook looking at you like the gif I posted above the chapter, like, the kitchen scene, I would melt into a little puddle of Haru.

Cyber Heart  |JJK Fanfiction|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora