I'll be your Kookie

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Once again laying beside Jungkook, I look down at his arms wrapped so tightly around my waist, he's so good at distracting me from the deafening fear growing in my chest.

The year is so close to being over, I've been here eleven months now so my time with Jungkook is slowly dwindlng away.

I have to figure out a way to be able to stay with him, at this point I'm not sure if I can go on living without his presence.

To others it may sound crazy but Jungkook is actually in love with me, I created a perfect conscience inside of him to where he can feel human emotions.

Pushing my hands through his hair I place a soft kiss on his forehead, this causes him to open his eyes and look at me, the mechanical glow warm.

"Goodmorning Emily."

"Good Afternoon Kookie, you slept forever."

He gives me a sheepish smile as smushes his cheek against the pillow.

"Let's stay in bed again."

I scrunch your nose and shake my head softly.

"We stayed in bed all day yesterday Kookie."

He whines and makes a cute pouty face as I giggle.

"Pllleeeaaasseeee???? One more day? Just one?"

I look into his eyes, the pleading look spread all over it as I roll my eyes, he knows that's my weakness, little jerk.

"Alright...one more day! Just one mister!"

He smiles wide and hugs me tightly, burying his face into my neck causing my face to light up red.

"Yay! Thank you Emily!"

Petting his head softly I look up at the ceiling with a heavy heart, might as well spend as much time with him as I can...who knows what will happen when this year is up...

Soon he lifts his face up, causing me to look at him while he strokes my cheek and gives me a soft kiss.

"Emily, what's it like in the real world?"

I look at him in light shock, that's the first time he's ever asked me about the outdoors.

"Er..um...well...it's big...that's for sure.."

He lays his head on my chest and nuzzles softly, trying to control myself from tackling him with love I play with his hair.

"Okay well...from a human's perspective...the world is...well it's nice...you get to meet new people and see all new things, it's like everyday you're living out your own movie, you get to see the grass and trees...and little animals..."

His thumb traces circles on my arm as he stays silent.

"Oh! And when it rains it sounds so cool...like water falls straight out of the sky...when it hits a roof you get really relaxed...it's pretty amazing."

He looks up at me with wandering eyes, a small smile on his face.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to see the outside world Emily?..."

My heart clutches in pain at his words, there's a chance he could never get to see the outside world, his main purpose is to be a killer robot.

"Um...of course Jungkook...one day...I'll take you to see the ocean, how about that? You've seen the ocean in movies right?"

He nods and smiles wide with excitement, when I find a way for them to release him to me, I'll quit my job and take him everywhere, he can be a travel companion.

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