Chapter 17

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As soon as Kara was dressed, she quickly ran out of the bathroom to investigate the yelling from Liam's office. Andrea was trying to hold Paul back as Liam taunted him, "You have no right to be angry!"

Paul yelled through pressed teeth, "Like Hell I don't! Why her? Of all of the fucking women, why her?!"

Liam couldn't contain his victory, "Because you both hurt us, you drove us to this.."

Paul looked to a sad Kara, "You agreed to this?" she silently nodded. Paul shook his head at her, "Slut.. Fucking slut!"

Liam's temper flared as he dug deeper, "Now wait a minute, she's not the slut..." Kara turned a worried look to Liam and pleaded with her eyes as she shook her head. He turned back to Paul, "I stole you ex fiancés cherry, and man was it fucking sweet hearing her moan for the first time.."

Before anyone knew what was happening, Paul had leapt over Liam's desk and punched him, knocking him to the ground. Kara immediately ran to Paul as she tried to hold him back, in his anger he slapped her face to stop her.

"You son of a bitch!" Liam's eyes grew wide with anger as he jumped from the floor and tackled Paul. He straddled him as he punched him repeatedly for hurting Kara. When he heard Andrea scream his name to stop, Liam did a double take to Kara as she held her self off of the floor with one hand and covered her gushing nose with another.

All three of them stopped as the watched her cough and gag on the red river that was running down her throat.  Liam released Paul and rushed to her with worried eyes, "Kara.. Baby.. Whaaa.."

Kara's vision started to blur as her eyes rolled back into her head. Liam caught her before she passed out. He cradled her in the floor as he screamed to Andrea, "Call an ambulance!"

Andrea ran to his phone and stayed on with dispatch until the paramedics arrived. Paul had tears streaming down his face as he watched Liam cradled Kara's unconscious body while he patted her face, "Please wake up.. I'm sorry.. Please.. "

Janet slowly walked to a stunned, dazed Liam. He snapped out of it as she lightly touched his shoulder. He slowly looked up to her as she towered over him, "Why.. Why didn't she tell me..?"

Janet puffed her cheeks and blew out the air they were holding,  "Mind if I sit?"

Liam shook his head as he looked down. Janet placed a hand on his shoulder, "The same reason she didn't tell me at first." He looked to her with tear soaked eyes, "She can't stand sympathy. She didn't want to be seen differently."

Liam sobbed as he pressed his hand over his eyes, "She tried to let me go, but I couldn't. I can't.."

Janet pulled him to a hug as he sobbed, "I know.. I've done this plenty of times, just not in front of her."

Authors note: Actual moment of my own life, when my father was dying of cancer.
Liam leaned back to face her, "How.. How do you do it?"


"How do you face them, while you know they are dying?"

Janet had a tear ease out of her eye, "You go in there and you act as though nothing is wrong. As much as it kills you to do it.. You can't let it show. It's not for your sake, but hers."

Liam stared at her in disbelief, "Even though it made perfect sense. She knows every second of her life could be her last, she doesn't need us to be upset and remind her." Liam nodded, "I understand."

After a number of painful test, Kara was placed under quarantine. Her low dose chemo treatment did slow the leukemia a little, but not enough. She would have to be in the hospital for the next month or two, until she waited for remission.

Kara eased off of the hospital bed as she approached the massive hall window. She watched as Liam pressed his hand on the other side of the glass. His lip quivered as she smirked and placed hers in the same place from her side. They both leaned their heads against the glass to be as close as possible and closed their eyes with relief.

Kara felt heart broken and joy at the same time as she thought, "He knows, but he stayed. I'm so sorry Liam. I love you so much."

Liam eased from the glass and smiled as Kara fogged up the glass and wrote, "Please forgive me." He smiled and nodded. She fogged up the window again and held back tears as she wrote, "I love you."

Liam chuckled as he cried. He then bit his lip as he fogged up the window and wrote, "Then fight! Stay with me. Please."

Kara rocked with her head down and cried heavier tears. She sighed as she looked back up and wrote, "I will.."

Life is tough, but painful memories can be your sweetest later when you realize how much you loved something that is no longer here.

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