Chapter 18

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"Oh Paul! She's precious!" Kara beamed as he pressed the ultra sound photo to her viewing window.

Paul couldn't take his eyes off her happy expression. When she turned her excited eyes to him, his smile disappeared. Her brow wrinkled with confusion, "What..?"

"I'm so sorry Kara.. for everything... You should had been the mother of my children.. I'm sorry that I cheated.. Andrea and I owe you for saving our jobs and when I found you with Ian.. I hurt you, emotionally and physically.. Why do you even agree for me to be here?"

Kara looked down and shook her head, "I... I know you have been through a lot, and I don't want to spend my last days on earth hating people. That would leave nothing good behind."

Paul pressed his hand to the glass, "Look at me.." She slowly looked up to his tear soaked face. "I love you Kara.. Nothing will ever change that.."

Kara pressed her eyes, "Paul.. I love the memory of what we had.. But, I love Liam. I can't imagine were I would be without him right now. I would have given up."

Paul's breath shook as he looked down, "Does he love you?" He looked to her again, "I mean, has he told you?" Kara nodded.

He turned away from the window with agitation, "He doesn't deserve you..". He turned back to her sad face, "But who does?"

He was about to leave but she tapped on the glass, "Paul!" He stopped and looked to her, "Please, bring me her next ultrasound picture! I love the fact that your going to be a father."

His expression eased as he stepped back to the glass, "Why? I'm scared out of my mind.."

Kara plastered a smile to her quivering lip as she chuckled a laugh, "Because.. I know you will be great.. I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with a man, that wasn't father material.."Paul sobbed as he looked down. "Please Paul. Please give me one more thing to look forward to.." He looked back to her and nodded. Kara smiled to him with tears of her own, "Thank you..." She sadly watched the man that broke her heart leave, but hoped to see him soon with a picture of the most important person in his future. She smiled as she thought, "Oh Paul, what a wonderful gift you have. The beginning of a new life."

The next day, Kara was amazed to see the handsome Mr. Akito Soto standing before her. She smiled and bowed. He returned the gesture. "Miss Kara.. I was most distressed to discover your illness."

Kara stepped closer to the glass, "As much of a pleasure it is to see you Mr. Soto, may I ask why you came to see me?"

He smirked at her intuition, "I have an offer for you Miss Kara."


"My company needs patients like you, for medical treatment research. I wanted to personally come here and offer the invitation."

Kara swallowed loudly, "I.. Would the treatment be completed here?"

Mr. Soto sighed, "Unfortunately not. The American FDA has not approved it yet, but it will be soon for children or adults under the age of twenty."

"I don't understand.. What is the treatment?"

"Immunotherapy. Like I said, the FDA has approved it her for younger patients."

Kara pursed her lips, "I'm only twenty two, would they not make an exception?"

Mr. Soto walked closer to the window, "The chemo, was it your first try, or have you been in remission yet?" Kara moistened her dry lips out of nervousness and shook her head. She anticipated his response, "They would only allow it if it was your last option. Since this is your first try, you would be denied."

"Side effects?"

"Unfortunately, no treatment is perfect. The symptoms could be mild to severe. You could suffer fatigue, fever, chills, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, body aches, and high or low blood pressure."

Kara sighed as she walked away and paced, "Success rate?"

He smirked, "Ah, that's the beauty. This puts you in remission with the quick possibility of a week. You would be able to have a stem cell, or a positive bone marrow transplant. If the stem cell was not close enough to hold, we do it again to buy more time. We have yet to see a patient that did not make make it back into remission the second or third time."

Kara pattered back to the window, "The cost?"

"One person might spend one million per treatment."

The rest of her color drained from her already pale face, "It was wonderful seeing you Mr. Soto, please have a safe journey home.."

She pressed her eyes as she turned away until he spoke again, "But for you, free.."

She turned a cocked eyebrow to him, "Why are you doing this?"

He smirked a handsome smile as he stepped closer, "I like you Kara, this world is far more beautiful with you in it."

"How did you find out I was ill?"

"Mr. Owens informed me when I asked about you. You are very lucky to have an employer that is concerned about your health."

She realized that Liam did not tell him about their relationship. She gave him a blank stare, "Yes.. I suppose I am.."

What did you think about the chapter?

Should Kara take Mr. Soto's offer?

What would he want in return?

Why did Liam hide their relationship?

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