Lost In Snow.

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Time had continued on, and we spent ours by knocking down HYDRA bases

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Time had continued on, and we spent ours by knocking down HYDRA bases. Sewing a web of intricate plans, ambushes, attacks, and complete shutdowns of their secret headquarters. One by one, eliminating each of their foundations, their important viable pillars being struck down like rows of domino's on a map. Their red, and black HYDRA symbol of a tentacled beast burning in our wake, smoldering into piles of ash. The quaking fear which they had once instilled upon others, ravaging Europe relentlessly, diluting out like impurities in water. 

I had done my part as a member of the Howling Commandos, acting as a nurse whenever one was injured, and defending the team as a comrade while in battle. Operating at both tiresome jobs seamlessly, and everyday wishing that I could go back to the ordinary. 

It's funny how ungrateful people are of the ordinary, and mundane only until it's stolen from them, swept out from under their feet like a rug. 

I wanted my ordinary life back, a life filled with peace. Something that seemed wildly out of reach while in the thick of chaos. 

The rest of the Howling Commandos, and I stood positioned on the edge of an icy cliff within the Alps. The rocky, vast, and monumental mountainscape blanketed with white. A harsh storm of flurrying snow commencing, the arctic gusts twisting, and swirling around every corner of the rickety stone terrain, and while waiting for Gabe to intercept the Schnellzug EB912 I suited up. 

Slipping two bandoliers sash style around my shoulders, the leather ammunition holders chalk full of bullets, I strapped a machine gun around my back, and shoved two hand guns into the holsters around my thighs. 

Our mission today was to board the HYDRA train which was at the moment trekking steadfast down the tracks within the Alps, and capture Dr. Arnim Zola. 

I stepped over to the edge of the ice patch coated rocks, and stared down at the grey metal tracks covered with a thin layer of sleet. 

"You were right, Dr. Zola is on the train. HYDRA dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going they must need him bad." Gabe said to the team, his radio headphones draped around his neck. 

The dark clouds loomed low in the sky, snowflakes cascading down in a frosted downpour, and above me a black rope cut across the scenery, set up for us to skid across in order to ambush the train. 

I stood beside Bucky, and Steve, listening in on their conversation, the frigid air encased around us. 

"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" 

"Yeah, and I threw up?" 

"This isn't payback, is it?" 

"Now why would I do that?" 

I couldn't help, but snicker at their banter. Those two like a flame of warmth amidst the blizzard. 

"Now, we only got about a ten second window, you miss that window we're bugs on a windshield." Steve warned, and I stepped up first. 

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