Beneath The Moonlight.

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Tony was hosting an outlandishly elegant soiree at the Avengers Tower tonight, and everyone who was anyone was invited, meaning me as well apparently, or by default

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Tony was hosting an outlandishly elegant soiree at the Avengers Tower tonight, and everyone who was anyone was invited, meaning me as well apparently, or by default. Steve called me earlier while I was settling into my new apartment, and asked me to be his date. An honor that I was pleasantly surprised by despite that word itself sending a chill that felt like acupuncture down my spine. 

Reminding me of the last date I was on. 1938, fancy dinner, theater tickets, stolen kisses here and there, and finally a proposal beneath the moonlight. 

Pushing those sweet turned bitter thoughts out of my head I got ready anyway. Slipping on a backless crimson dress, and a pair of red stilettos I then swept up my soft curls. Smoking out my eyelids with shades of grey, and black I then applied a layer of deep rose hued lipstick before spraying on some perfume. 

It had technically been more than seventy years since I last dressed up because between 1943, and 1945 all I wore was either a nurses uniform, or my Howling Commandos combat outfit. Being dolled up felt somewhat odd, and unique, like walking a mile in someone else's shoes, or like buying something that didn't quite fit right. Like the woman staring back at me in the mirror was a silhouette of my former self, before the anguishing scars of life had plagued me. 

Catching one last look at my reflection I went ahead anyway, so not to be late. 

Taking a taxi to the Avengers Tower, the one building lit up brilliantly. Somehow dazzling enough to fade out the rest of the radiance coming from other skyscrapers, and I went on inside. 

Going up a few levels to the floor where the party was being held I could already hear the muffled music coming from even within the elevator. 

Once the doors slid open a wave of conversation, and a rock melody, undoubtedly picked out by Tony, rang in my ears. 

Stepping out, my heels clicking against the mahogany wood, I seemed to have captured the awareness of every guest present. My presence igniting a lull in the celebrating madness, snagging the attention of hundreds of eyes, all strained towards me. 

Tucking a loose wavy strand of hair behind my ear timidly, I skimmed the faces of many, searching for someone recognizable. 

Though soon I saw a feathery blonde with twinkling blue eyes walk, almost blindly, over towards me. His countenance leaning towards starstruck, and his jaw had fallen a gap for a moment before he collected himself, and extended a hand out to me. 

Accepting his offer right away I slipped my fingers into his palm, and held his hand. The party's noise commenced then, turning back on like a switch, whispers turning into loud gossips, hushed chuckles morphing into boisterous laughs. 

A beverage latched onto the hands of everyone, a sing-song attitude contorted across each person, all desiring to dust off their cares for the night. 

Steve led me to a more secluded area by the bar, and I darted my eyes all around. The space was very monochromatic, designed solely in the colors of white, silver, taupe, grey, black, and deep umber wood. The modern layout dripping with luxury, each piece of art, or furniture finely made, and expensive. 

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