Ashes, Ashes.

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"The calm before the storm, the feeling of a false sense of security

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"The calm before the storm, the feeling of a false sense of security. Where you're able to catch your breath, stand back up, and dust yourself off. The gnawing sensation of sheer tragedy just around the corner, yet not on full display yet. 

The heroes left alive, left standing were beginning to disillusionize themselves into thinking we still held a chance... But, our chance was like a wet match never having even been lit, without so much as a twinkling ember of belief. Belief we could win...

For now, we were in the Endgame. The victor having already been crowned long ago, long before this fight even started. All the heroes had done was just buy a few seconds before doom, and destruction. Leaving only dust and blood..."

The remaining swarms of the Outriders had been reduced in rank, now more like pests instead of a threat. The fanged minions all quick to die, and with all of the Black Order disposed of the battlefield was far less hectic. The dead of the enemy far outweighing the dead of the heroes. For now, anyway... 

Though bloodied, and beaten the heroes remained steadfast. Staying sharp, vigilant, and relentless. The plague that was Thanos not yet blackening out everyone's fighting spirit. Though that was soon to change however. 

For suddenly an unnerving quietness rang out all along the plains of Wakanda, rendering the battlefield silent. And, a battlefield, if anything, should never be silent. 

In the chilling stillness there was a moment where all weapons, war-cries, and mass explosions fell dead. Where I could hear the rustle of leaves, and the chirps of birds. Where I could smell the gunpowder in the air, and taste the dried blood that had dripped onto my lips. 

While encapsulated in the unhinging hush the heroes all looked around at each other, just waiting. Waiting for what was to come, and I glanced over at Bucky, already feeling like I had lost him even though our gazes were locked. To me... this felt like the end. 

"He's here." Vision foreboded through a grimace, his voice strained with panic as his eyes darted all around. The calm ending much sooner than anyone wanted. The silence in the air which felt like hours was quick to deteriorate into utter fear. 

The injured android looked over at Wanda before a swirling blue portal phased in front of us, the Mad Titan himself stepping through the wisping space gateway right onto Wakanda's moss covered soil. His gilded gauntlet gleaming, nearly full. The piece of cursed armor around his arm almost as hungry as he himself for the final stone to complete his collection. 

Standing tall, and so self assured the Titan glowered down at the rest of us, his footsteps rumbling, his purple skin vibrant beneath the mid-day sunlight. He was a giant, and strong, yet so calm. All his hard work nearly complete. And, as I stared wide-eyed up at him I was at a loss. He reminded me of a natural disaster, like a tsunami, or earthquake. So deadly, and fatal, and unstoppable... 

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