Haunting Nostalgia.

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I hid again, looking through the telescopic sight, and saw from behind a veil of smoke a HYDRA soldier confidently, as if he had nothing to fear, stride over towards me

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I hid again, looking through the telescopic sight, and saw from behind a veil of smoke a HYDRA soldier confidently, as if he had nothing to fear, stride over towards me. His metal arm, the one that ripped out the steering wheel, glinting in the faded sunlight. A mask, and goggles cloaked across his face. His longer brown hair which fell to his jawline blowing in the breeze. 

Shutting one eye, I gazed through the snipers scope again, aiming for a moving vehicle behind him, blowing the air out of one of it's front tires. 

Sporadically, the car whipped towards the assassin, nearly turning him into a bug on its windshield, but he evaded the collision, the car in turn clashing into a nearby building, exploding in a cloud of fire. 

While the assassin was momentarily preoccupied with the wild car I shot again, this time cracking his black goggles. 

The soldier ducked behind a car, and ceaselessly I continued to shoot, the sniper rifle tremoring in my grasp, the ammo blowing multiple holes through the vehicles side, destroying all the windows, and penetrating the doors. 

I kept on firing until abruptly a metal hand was clasped around my ankle, the assassin having sneaked up behind me, and causing me to be knocked to the glass, and golden bullet coated ground. 

He smacked the sniper out of my hands, and he was now wielding a razor-edged dagger. 

Slamming me against the side of the car the air was knocked out of me, but I took out a handgun which I had stolen previously. Taking a shot at his chest, his black bulletproof vest deflecting the blow. 

The assassin didn't look affected by anything I did, his actions nearly unreadable, and ruthless. 

He swung towards me, about to latch onto my neck, but I adverted, and shrunk down, kicking him from below, causing his knees to buckle. 

He landed flat on his back, and I was about to flee, but then the soldier grabbed onto my arm with his own metal one, and twisted it behind my back brutally until I heard a crack, making me scream in agony. 

Though then a shield knocked the assassin down to the road again, and Steve came rushing over, hopping from one car roof to the next. 

"Go!" Steve barked at me. 

"No, I'm helping you!" I yelled back, brushing off the pain that was echoing from my right shoulder blade, and retrieving my fallen handgun as well as the HYDRA soldiers razor blade. 

Pushing through the burning ache in my arm Steve, and I continued to fight the last assassin together. The man not weakening one bit, like he was a mindless puppet on a string. His sole purpose, sole reason for being alive seemingly, to be a killer. 

Through the pain we inflicted upon him, each time he was thrown into a nearby car, every time he came back, even more relentless. 

Though then I punched him in the jaw, the force of my fist causing his black mask to cascade to the ground. 

I halted, about to slice a deep gouge across his chest while Steve had his hands restrained behind his back

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I halted, about to slice a deep gouge across his chest while Steve had his hands restrained behind his back. The dagger in my grasp, touching him, grazing against the combat vest he was wearing even, but I was frozen. Not in the same way as when awakening from a block of ice, but more in the way of everything around me crumbling, being destroyed, and being powerless to it's damage. A statue, weak, not being able to pick up the ruins of it's destruction.

In that way, I was frozen, feeling more helpless than I ever had before. 

He had a bit of a scruff around his chin now, and the longer hair was definitely different, but it was him. Those eyes, those same slate blue eyes that I fell in love with, and woke up to every single morning. It was him... 

"James..." I choked out, that name a lost artifact within my brain, unspoken, and it pained me to say it infinitely more than my wounded shoulder. For this pain was more then a broken limb, or scrapped knee, this was buried inside, the kind of pain that makes you feel like your heart isn't even in you anymore. 

Missing my chance to finish him, he wrangled out of Steve's strong grip, but by now Steve had also caught a glimpse of the soldiers familiar face. 

"Bucky..." Steve uttered, his face warping with anguish as well, bewilderment settling in. 

"Who's James? Who's Bucky?" He asked, bemused, and I collapsed to the ground, shards of glass piercing through my jeans, embedding into my knees. 

I never thought I'd hear that voice again, that voice that was a mere pretense recording in my head. I finally heard it again, but the man who was speaking had no idea who I was. 

Steve crouched down beside me, and by now the cops had caught wind of the highway attack. Dozens of police cars came racing down the streets, their sirens ear-splitting, and all it took was me adverting my gaze for a millisecond for him to vanish. The assassin. Bucky... 

The red, and blue lights flickered in my eyes, and Steve stood up tentatively to go talk to the policemen, needing to fulfill his duties with being a cooperative Avenger.

Forcing myself to stand up I limply walked over to the fallen black mask, and goggles, picking them up. A couple of my tears dripped down onto the eye-wear.

"Becky, I know. I know it's..." Steve began to muddle out, tripping over his own words as he returned over to me. 

I probably held the face of someone who had just seen a ghost, but to me, I had. I had just barred witness to someone who should be dead, and to my knowledge, had been dead for seventy years. 

"You have to go to the hospital. Your shoulder..." 

"Do I look like I give a damn!?" I spat back, my words poisonous, and harsh. 

"Becky, I'm confused too. I'm, I just can't believe it, but you need treatment. He probably fractured something in your shoulder blade." Steve whispered, walking on pins and needles, overthinking each word he said to me to no avail. 

"I don't care!" I screamed out before walking away, leaving before Steve had a chance to grab hold of me.  

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