Twenty Six

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They had found a new house for us only ten minutes from my little one, which I would also be keeping. I was delighted and relieved. I could divide my time between them if I needed. We flew home, Arianna sleeping and Dane puking from the fear, and spent one night at Don's house.

Don fussed enormously over Arianna, and it gave me some perspective on how ill she had been and how precious she was to them. She blew him off but loved it. 

He came with us to the new property and she rode with him in his car from San Luis Obispo, while Dane rode with us in the Jeep, which I'd missed even though it was so rough. Malone would be flying in to help set up the house later in the week.

We went to the new place first and I was glad because I sincerely did not want Arianna in my house. It was somewhat secluded and huge. Kind of a fixer-upper but it had nine bedrooms and three bathrooms sprawled across three floors, along with an attic and two little cottages on the five acre property, both near the house. Basically perfect.

We walked through, checking out the large rooms, fireplaces, and peeling wallpaper. It was amazing but overwhelming. I held out for an hour but then I was desperate to go home. Like, desperate in every way. I was done.

I caught Reed's eye where we were all (minus Arianna, who was already sleeping) standing in the kitchen and he immediately excused us. I got my purse and we went back to the Jeep and to my humble abode. I could have wept in relief at the sight of it.

There was a medium size box on the porch.

"You think this is a bomb?" I nudged the box with my foot.

"It is definitely not." The corner of his mouth lifted as he picked it up and tucked it under his arm. He also had his bags and one of mine and I hurried to unlock the door and reset the alarm.

The air was stale but everything was as I'd left it. "I missed this place a lot," I said with feeling. I opened all of windows, feeling safe enough to do so with him there. I took a shower and washed away the traveling and he did the same after. It was dark then and I sat on the couch while he went into the kitchen to cook.

I took a deep breath and called Bella. She didn't answer. I texted her that I was home and waited ten minutes before trying again.

  I texted her that I was home and waited ten minutes before trying again

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My heart sank even though I thought she didn't really mean it. I tried to call her again but she didn't answer. "I'm sorry," I told her voicemail. "I didn't have a choice. I couldn't tell you." Now I knew how Reed felt. "Don't hate me, Bells. I need you, we're going to do some great stuff. I love you." The voicemail cut me off and I ended the call, downhearted.

Reed came back in and sat and put his arm around me. "She'll get over it, chérie. It's hard, I know. Try not to feel bad."

I stood up. "I need to go over there."

"Now?" He stood too. "Want me to drive you? Go with you?"

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