The Fag Swag {15}

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                “Nick, why did you ever date him?” Molly groaned the next day as I told her what had happened.

                “I don’t know! He didn’t seem creepy when we first started dating!” I cried.

                “When did you finally catch on? After he erased all the contacts in your phone and deleted your facebook, or when he tacked pictures of you guys together all around his room, or when he talked about you guys getting married, or when he watched you sleep, or wh-”

                “I get it, I get it! Kenneth’s a creepy stalker!” I said, slapping my hands over my ears. “Stop reminding me!”

                Molly rolled her eyes at me. “Okay, sorry Mr. Drama-Queen.”

                “That doesn’t even make sense!”

                “It doesn’t have to. The problem here is what you’re going to do about Kenneth. Oh! Here’s an idea! STAND UP TO HIM!”

                I winced. “Inside voices please.”

                Molly narrowed her eyes at me. “Nicholas Nathan Bradley, you stand up to Creep Kenny, or I’m going to shove my foot so far up your ass it’ll end up in Narnia!” she snapped.

                “Molly, that is disturbing and disgusting.”

                “I’m not a gentle little lady like you, dipshit. You need to tell Kenneth off, or else Phil is going to kill you,” she said, glaring.

                “Molly, I can’t be mean,” I said miserably.

                “Nick, has Phil taught you nothing?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips. Oh my lanta. Here comes sassy Molly.

                “He’s taught me what true pleasure feels like.”

                “Not sex!” Molly face-palmed herself. “Nick, I’m serious. You need to stand up to Kenneth, or else your ass is going to get kicked. And not just by Phil, either.” She glared at me.

                “I hate everyone,” I moaned, falling back on my bed.

                Molly pulled me back into a sitting position and slapped me. I whined and rubbed my cheek, pouting deeply. Gah. Jerk!

                “Nick, stand up to Kenneth. It’s the only way you’re getting out of this. Now my mom is here to pick me up. You have until Friday to grow a pair and tell that stalker to fuck off!” she snapped, standing up.

                She smiled at me and hugged me tightly. “I love you Nicky! Even if you are a pussy.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed before leaving my room. I heard my front door shut a few seconds later.

                Cujo padded into my room and barked, his tail wagging. I began to stroke his fur and sighed deeply. “Oh Cujo. I hate this,” I whined.

                I got ready for bed and slipped under my covers. Cujo jumped up and curled up on the end of my bed, on top of my legs.

                “Yep, just break my legs. I don’t need them or anything,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I shut my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.


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