Leveled Up 📍

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Tymir and I have been together for 4 years. I can't complain not one day about how he has been treating me since. I love him like crazy and couldn't imagine me to be without him.

My grandmother has great days and bad days in the nursing home. I really hope she gets to see my future and so much that I have planned. My aunt is still taking care of my grandmother faithfully and I am still paying all her bills for her helping me. My three brothers finally stopped being street dumb and went down different paths. One of them moved to California, one moved to Jersey and then the other moved to Georgia. Each of them have great paying houses, mansions and have boothangs. I never wanted to loose one of my brothers to gangbanging  in the street.

Tymir has a great paying job that is sufficient for all the bills and he still has money to spoil me. For the 4 years, we have been together ... we traveled to 18 countries. We call these our "BAEcations", this is our vacays before we have children. Tymir wants to have kids but I told him let's wait for us to get married then I'll pop all the kids that he desires. We have actually spoke about adopting a child because we both have went through the struggles that New York presents to us. It wasn't easy growing up in New York's hood at all so we're interested in at least a pre-teen or teen. I want to get a teen girl to form her into a beautiful young lady. We have been looking online but we have to have a meeting with the social worker to get stuff in the process.

I actually wanted to have a double wedding with my best friend Kyla. Both of us, have came from a lot but now we both are happily in love. We planned on this big wedding bright yellow & black or with white, if we don't pick those colors we were debating on all white, pink, and silver.

As, I sit analyzing how much my life has changed and how great it is, I receive an email from the social worker from the NY Needs Us Adoption Center/ Foster Care confirming an appointment for Tymir and I tomorrow at the office. I was so excited and so was Tymir when I told him about the news. The social worker told us to bring our bills, proof of payments, home legal documents, and bank account statements they needed all of this for proof that we can adopt a child. I was so excited that I picked out this nice black blazer and black floral pants with fuschia pink heels. Tymir giggled at my excitement and found me to be ridiculous. I shrugged at him while he continued to make his little jokes about me.

For, dinner I made bbq-chicken, yellow rice, baked ziti, potato sald and some ceasar salad on the side. I made brownies for dessert since Tymir has been craving for the longest and told me he would be petty with pranks until I do so. He throws the worst terrifying and disgusting pranks ever so I called a truce by making these brownies tonight.  We sat and ate together then tried to make up rules for whoever our new edition may be. We both agreed on a girl and we both agreed to be there for her 100% of her life and help her grow. After, we talked about everything we laid in bed and fell asleep.

(I wasn't sure what to do with this chapter)

(Will be updating by Wednesday night)



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