A Familiar Voice

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A/N this chapter contains.......rude locations......do NOT read if you are really little and still innocent (its not really bad but just letting you know... it can't be sexually bad cause jordi's scarred of naked people.....) 



Stole My Heart

Chapter 7: A familiar voice

Song: Two Lives - Example (This Song Kinda Suits this Chapter)

Izzy’s POV:

I crept up the stairs, now armed with a kitchen knife (I don’t know what I'm gonna run into ok!). Every corner I rounded I flinched. I peeked into Lou Lou’s room, she was fast asleep snoring, well she’s fine! I turned back around and peeked in the spare room, it was just as it had always been, a single bed in the corner with a shelf the opposite side of the room and a built in wardrobe. Ok nothing different there! Then my room was next. I peeked in, my knife held infront of me……nothing. That means the only room left up here was Kate's…

Liam’s POV:

“Where is Hazza?” Louis asked, seeming strangely more sober all of a sudden. I bit my lip

“He was out with you?” I questioned. Niall stopped his cache laughing as Louis tilted his head to the side before calling for Zayn

“OI BAD BOI!! COME HERE!!!!!” his yell echoing through the apartment. It was silent before a loud groan answered accompanied by several thuds before Zayn stood infront of us.

“What do you want poo?” Zayn questioned Louis who gave him dirties for calling him poo.

“Did we take Harry with us?” he asked, everyone looked at Zayn who was suddenly more alert

“Well erm, I think, maybe, I'm not sure, we wouldn’t have left him there?” He stuttered, his eyes wide now and his hands in his hair.

“Shit!” I muttered and everyone looked at me now with surprise at my use of word.

“I suppose we better look for him!” I announced. Niall nodded standing up and finally going to throw his finished chicken bone in the bin. Zayn walked to the mirror fixing his hair and Louis stumbled over to the door.

“I’ll Drive!” he announced,

“NOOO!!” Niall, Zayn and I said at the same time. Louis Pouted.

“Your way to drunk mate! I don’t think it would be wise” I explained. Lou hung his head.

“Maybe you should stay here Lou!” Zayn said turning around from the mirror.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, who knows what he’ll do” I replied before Louis could. Louis shot me a look.

“Yeah and he has the Harry sense!” Niall chuckled arriving back from the kitchen with a Nando’s take-away bag.

“Exactly! And no-one else here can drive!”  Louis complained

“Then we’ll just have to get a taxi!” I answered. Lou stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.

“So where exactly did you guys go tonight?” I questioned

Louis and Zayn looked at each other and then at Niall then their eyes darted around the room and they shuffled their feet. I furrowed my eyebrows but then Niall laughed.

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