A Familiar Voice (p2)

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HI!! Well erm i tried that comment thing and well nobody seems to want to comment anymore :( soooo i just er POSTED!! yeah! cause writing is fun! yeah! ermmm but you can ermm go read now!

*Warning This Chapter conatins rude um locations! don't read if you don't like strip clubs! but there is no nudity because Jordi (curlyfry) is scared of naked people and will NOT write about them! (maybe with the exception of Harry Styles but errr April (Apes) might have to write that part)*


Chapter 7 part two

Familiar voice: p2

Song: Two Lives

Liam’s POV:

Finally we are here! After that episode with Niall and Zayn in the car I was glad to get some fresh air. I paid the driver and jumped out of the car. I walked around to help Zayn and Niall carry Louis.

Suddenly Niall started doing this weird gesturing thing with his head jiggling around everywhere. I raised an eyebrow but that’s when I spotted them. A group of teenage girls with one direction shirts and posters stood right outside the club. I gawked and shook my head.

“Someone must of let out we came here” Zayn muttered, but that was far from what I was worried about.

“Look what a bad influence you’ve been! Now we have our fans standing outside strip clubs like hookers!” I gasped.

“That isn’t the problem, we need to get pass them quick enough to get to Harry in time before he makes some girl pregnant!” Niall chuckled. Then a fan turned around, she looked at us for a minute and we just stood still holding Louis between us. She looked back at her friends and we took that opportunity to dive behind the garbage bins!

I peeked from the side (thankfully it was to dark for anyone to see us!). She turned back and stared for a second before shaking her head and returning to her conversation.

“Well Liam, how we gonna get past ‘em?” Niall asked, Zayn rolled his eyes, probably at the fact that Niall hadn’t asked him too.

I looked around; maybe something here could help us. Then I saw it, a plastic bag with clothes hanging out of it, cue the light bulb! 

“Niall, Zayn, wake up Louis” I beamed.

Harry’s POV:

I looked wide eyed in the direction of someone I was sure I would NEVER EVER see again, but here they were, standing right infront me! I blinked a few times, I rubbed my eyes and finally I pushed the stripper aside and walked up to them.

“K-Kate?” I asked astounded. She awkwardly looked around the Dark yet colour filled club (oh the magic atmosphere) the lights shinning across her face.

“Yeah” she replied biting her lip, as I looked her up and down.

She was wearing a short, strapless, skimpy black dress that was cut way to low (not that I'm complaining) at the chest area. I shook my head in disbelief and circled her, the back of her dress…. Well there wasn’t really a back, just a piece of material covering her bum. I turned her around to face me.

“What are you doing here?!?” I questioned, was she a lesbian… or here on a date? What fool would take a girl to a strip club for a date?

She just shrugged,

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