Cake Lady

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Cake Lady:

Song: Fader -->

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Izzy's POV:

A few weeks have passed. Trisha and Sammy have settled in well and become to be some of my best friends! Not long after the girls moved in the boys had left of to America for 'Business' I laughed in there faces about that cause I suppose I was kinda picturing them in business suits and being all smart and sitting in a conference speaking with big words.... Harry thought that was very insulting that I found it funny.... Eh!

Basically life has been pretty normal without them here but I think its tomorrow that they are coming back... or maybe today.... I don't know! But what I do know is that Lou Lou reckons they're our 'Homies' and we need to throw them a welcome back party Trisha had said 'But what if they are to tired to Party?' Lou Lou ignored that and the Sammy suggested we just keep it low key, Lou Lou agreed.

So all in all I'm waiting in a line at the shops with party streamers and balloons because its not REALLY a party without them.

When I finally got served I decided I was pretty hungry so I walked down the street to find a decent café, I was actually really craving chi at the moment, I had been in love with the stuff ever since my friend back in aus literally forced it down my throat. No regrets.

The bell signaling a customer had entered echoed through the small café, it was quite a cute little business actually. I stepped up to the counter leaning against it and rising up on my tippy toes, craning my neck to try see into the back wondering if anyone was going to come and serve me anytime soon. Just as I was about to give up on any chance of getting my chi and choc-chip muffin there was the crash of pots from around the back and then out stumbled a very flustered looking girl who couldn't have been much older the myself. I turned on my heel and turned back to the counter smiling

"Hi" I said poiletly, the girl flicked her fringe out of her face and gave me an apologetic look

"I'm so sorry for the wait, what can I get you?" she asked, the first thing I noticed was her Kiwi accent but I didn't say anything, instead I looked at the many confections that sat starring at me through the glass window, if I'd had enough money I would by it all it looked that good.

"I'll have a Chi Latte and erm a choc chip muffin" I said with a smile, she nodded and went to go fix my order, I stood there for a moment while the girl tried to work the coffee machine. I looked around the shop and my eyes landed on a large sign that had written on it in chalk 'Custom Event Cakes' it felt like there was a light bulb was hovering just over my head and my eyes lit up, I'll get a cake!! When I turned back to the counter my order was ready

"Hey, you guys do cakes?" I asked pointing to the sign, she nodded

"Yeah, yeah it's kinda our specialty, the cakes here are pretty good" she replied going kinda salesman... woman... on me.

"Do you reckon I could get a welcome home one? Some of my.... Friends are coming back to town after a business trip" I explained without giving away that these particular friends were One Direction. She nodded quickly

"Yeah, yeah of course! Um anything particular you want?" she asked, I hadn't thought of that, I chewed on my lip before coming to a resolution,

"I'll leave it up to your imagination" I said happily, she raised her eyebrows but then quickly dropped them and nodding

"Yeah ok, would you like to pick it up or should I drop it off?" she asked jotting things down on a notepad

"Um would you mind dropping it off?" I asked knowing I would be way to lazy to come back to get it. She nodded

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