I Know I Was The Harry

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Chapter 8: I know was the Harry

Song: Swim Good

Izzy’s POV:

“OH MY GOD IZZY!!! FUCK!” cried Kate as she clutched her face and fell down onto the bed. I held my hand up in the air not quite comprehending what I had down, it just came so quickly like a wave over my mind, Kate was leaving me, she was leaving me and Louise and she wouldn’t even have told us!

“KATE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!” I screamed and she winced, I bit my lip to stop me from crying

“No wait! Let me go get Louise! She deserves to hear this too!” I stormed out of the room and almost immediately bumped into her

“What with the racket?” Lou Lou asked drowsily. I just shook my head and pulled her back to the room.

“Kate, please go on,” I hissed and she hung her head.

“You guys might wanna sit” and so we did.


Louise was crying on my shoulder now and Kate and I were barely holding back the tears but I stuttered on,

“So l-let me get this s-straight, you’re broke?” she nodded

“You haven’t been working in the fashion industry for two months now?” She nodded again

“And you have been working in a strip club…as a waitress to pay your part of the rent?” she bit her lip and nodded

“And you going back to Australia because you have an arranged marriage and you’d be better off there?” now she was crying

“Izzy I-” but I cut her off

“And you weren’t even gonna tell us? You were just gonna leave!” Louise was shaking with tears now.

"We could just pay your part of the rent! we're your friends! well at least i thought we were!" I played the guilt card

"It's not that easy Issabella!" Kate cried, but it made no sense

“How did you get home?” I asked thinking about it for the first time, she hadn’t said anything about that

“I drove,” she whispered

“But you don’t have a car” I pointed out

“I drove a friends car” she met my eyes and I could see she was hiding something

“Kate don’t you think you’ve kept enough from us? How did you get home?” she fiddled and bit her lip and played with her hair before quietly muttering something I could only barely make out

“I caught a ride with One Direction” and with that I was up and Lou Lou fell onto the floor.

“Are they still here?” I asked wildly

“I don’t think now is the right time for fan girling” Kate sniffed trying to make a joke but I just shot her look and she nodded

“On Level 3B, 4th lane I think” and with that I was gone! I ran out into the hallway and out the door and then down the main hallway and into the lift, as the door opened I jumped in and punched in the level and down I went.

It didn’t take long to reach the car park and as soon as the lift stopped I stormed out and into the forth lane and sure enough there was a black car full of five Loud boys.

As I stormed over to the car and upon seeing me Liam smiled and waved from the back seat but I just shot him a glare and his face dropped into a sad/confused look, but right now I didn’t care who they were, even when the fan girl inside would have cried when he cried.

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