5-The Masters vs The Lazy Slugs

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Hello guysssss!! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long but I was superbusy with my finals. I'm not done with them yet, but I thought I'd give you an update in my "free" time. So, here's a new chap. Hope you guys love it :P

Updated: 24th September, 2014.

A/N: Sorry for being radio silent for sooo long. I have just started my classes again and I didn't even log onto here. So, here it goes, new rewritten chapter :) Enjoy!!!!

True to Mackenzie's theory, Chloe and Christi were talking outside the ALDC building.

"It must be something serious. Paige was practically crying," Chloe said.

"I know, Chloe. Kelly called me, and I could tell something was wrong from a thousand miles away. We'll definitely go over there later to talk to them," Christi answered.

Chloe and Paige were best, best, best friends, but it was possible that their mothers were even closer. Kelly and Christi had their fights, and both were drama queens, but they needed each other. If Abby really was driving the Hylands out of town, Christi would never forgive her.

Chloe hugged her mom. "I love you. I'm really really sorry that I yelled at you before. I was just nervous about Abby's announcement," Chloe told her mom regretfully.

"I love you too," Christi responded, embracing her daughter tightly.

Mackenzie found them that way. "Chlo, Abby wants you and Maddie in the studio for your duet."

"Okay." Chloe squeezed her mother's waist one last time and waved goodbye, hurriedly following Mackenzie through the halls back to Studio A, where Maddie, Sophia, and Autumn were waiting.

"You're late," Abby told Chloe briskly.

Chloe opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it. What was she going to tell Abby? That she and her mother were talking about the poor dancers who Abby had just kicked off her Junior Elite team? Instead, she muttered, "I'm sorry, Abby."

Abby rolled her eyes. "Maddie and Chloe, you're performing a lyrical piece called Together As One. The main purpose of this dance is that you two go out there and make it look like there is only one person on that stage. You get it?"

"We can do that," Maddie promised, knowing that Chloe was as comfortable as she was. They'd been performing duets together since they were in diapers, practically. They had the technique and the facial expressions. They placed total faith in each other. They moved in perfect sync. And, most importantly, they both danced from the heart.

Chloe nodded in support and agreement.

"There will be several challenges in this routine," Abby continued. "There is a lot of partner work. You have to trust each other completely. One toe out of line and the entire dance falls apart. You have three days to get this right so you'd better figure it out real fast."

Both Chloe and Maddie knew that this was going to be harder than usual, since not only did they have to beat Sophia and Autumn. They also had to beat the Candy Apples, who had infinite tricks up their sleeves.

At the speed of light, Abby rattled off instructions and directions, then poised her finger over the play button. "Three, two, one, go," she declared, pressing down purposely.

"Now is the time we stand together, as one," the song began. Holding hands, Maddie and Chloe swept their legs out in identical high kicks. Then Maddie spun in a blur towards Chloe, who picked her up by the waist. Maddie performed a straddle in midair before landing on her feet. They sashayed two steps before performing an arabesque and moving closer to each other again.

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