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I hopped in my dad's car and changed the radio station as he pulled out of our driveway heading towards my school. We were driving down the street when he reached over and turned off the radio. I looked over at him to see what for.

"So last year of high school, excited?" He glanced over at me while driving.

"I mean sure. Isn't everyone excited about their last year of high school?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, everyone usually is, but I heard you talking to your mom about it," he came to a stop at a red light and looked over at me in the passenger seat,"and I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Yes, I'm fine." I sighed, "I just really want to get this school year over with. I just want to be done with those kids and that school." I confessed to him.

"I know high school isn't necessarily the best four years of your life," I interrupted him with a scoff at that statement, "but trust me, you'll regret not making this year one to remember." He continued driving, as I let those words sink in.

After a few minutes of silence, we pulled into my school's parking lot. He put the car in park, and looked over at me.

"All those kids won't matter in a few years, but I just don't want you regretting not having fun during your senior year." He said to me.

"So what? You're giving me permission to get drunk, smoke pot, and have sex during my last year of high school." I raised my eyebrow at him. He softly laughed at me and shook his head.

"No. Your mother and I both know you're responsible enough to make the right decisions, but I also know you Everly Rose," he said calling me by my full name, "and I know that unless I give you a push you won't do anything a little irresponsible. Your mother and I trust you, we just want you to let lose a tad. This time next year you won't have us by your side giving you a push out the door, we'll be shoving you." He nudged me with his elbow and we both smiled at one another.

The thing about my dad is that he always knows what to say and how to say it. He knows when to be my father and when to be my friend. According to my mother, and the rest of our family, we were very much alike.

"I'll try Dad." I gave in.

"That's all I needed to hear." He smiled at me, "Now get out of my car."

We exchanged our final goodbyes and I got out of the car, and headed to where I knew Stephanie would be waiting for me. I got to the tree we always met at before school, and saw her on her cellphone. "Hey!" I called out to her. She turned around, and saw me, as she put her phone in her pocket.

"Hey! There you are! I was just about to text you." She said glancing at my outfit, "Really Everly? I should've known you would wear pants. At least you look cute." I rolled my eyes at her comments. We started walking towards where they were handing out our schedules for the year.

We both got our schedules and compared them to one another. "We only have two classes together, and you're not even a student in one of them!" Stephanie commented on.

"Why do you have to be so smart and have a bunch of AP classes." She asked rhetorically. "Well at least we have first period together, and you're a teacher aid for one of my classes. Maybe you can give me an A."

"Only if you earn it." I said to her, then the five minute warning bell rang, letting us know to get to class quickly. We both headed towards the only class we have together, Government, a senior only class. We both took a seat, me in the front, with Stephanie right behind me, so she can hide her cellphone most likely. The tardy bell rang, signaling that school is officially back in session. Mrs. Levin started to welcome us back, when the principal walked in with a boy in tow.

"Morning Mrs. Levin, class." He said facing us. "This is Ashton," he said reaching for the blonde boy next to him, "he will be joining us this school year. Mister Irwin is actually joining us from Sydney, Australia." I turned my head from the principal to the blonde, and we both made eye contact with each other simultaneously. The blue eyed boy and I continued to stare at one another, until the principal broke us out of our trance.

"Ms. Johnson." I turned my focus back on Mr. Davids as he called for me. "I took a look at your schedule, and it seems that you and Mr. Irwin both have second period together, if you could please show him the way once class is finished, I think we both would greatly appreciate that."

"Uh yes, sir. It won't be a problem." I said awkwardly. Mr. Davids thanked me, and said bye to the class, and to Mrs. Levin, then headed out of our classroom.

"Well Ashton, it's nice to have a new Australian face to this school. Please have a seat next to Ms. Johnson." She said pointing to the only empty desk in this class.

He walked over and sat down next to me, and we both exchanged small smiles. Gosh this boy is cute.

"Ashton." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.  I shook his hand, "Everly."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said, I looked down, so he wouldn't see me blush.

"I'm Stephanie. Her best friend." Stephanie said interrupting our tiny moment. She stuck her hand out for Ashton to shake.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled politely to her shaking her hand, and turned his attention to Mrs. Levin who was just talking about what we were going to learn this semester. I sighed and retreated my attention back to Mrs. Levin also. 

"Pretty name for a pretty girl."  That's all that kept replaying in my head, maybe my mother was right. Maybe this year will finally be my year.


Boring update I know.

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