Prologue~Wildfire And Fear

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"Where are you...?" Wildfire asked as she prowled around the forest. "Come out, kitties," Fear growled. 

Wildfire's black, fuzzy, nose twitched, she smelt a female cat. The reek of the fear was overwhelming, almost sickly, but nothing was sick to the terrible Wildfire. Nor Fear. 

It was a dark night, and after the night was over, and the first brilliant lights of  the sun shone through the trees in glorious golden ribbons, and when the fullness of the sun would show, it would feel even more dark than it did in the very early morning  that morning. 

"Found one." Wildfire muttered to Fear. Fear nodded, snickering as she ripped through some bushes, to find a female cat, four kittens, and what seemed to be the father of the four kittens. 

"Look at what we have here," Fear growled, and Wildfire finished for her, "A family of mutts." 

Fear looked to Wildfire, and Wildfire looked at the family. The adults were quivering, with pure fear. And the four kittens were unsure what was going on, but they were scared to a small extent. The male stood right in front of the wretched cats, "Leave them alone." 

Wildfire laughed, "And who might you guys be?" The male's tone was shaking, "I'm Grey, this is my mate, Wild, and our kittens, Sniff, Fleet, Tiny, and the runt, Stream." They were all grey cats, with white undercoats, and dark grey stripes. 

"I'm Wildfire, and you're in my way." She slashed him in the face, and pushed him to the side with no care in the world. The mother of the kittens-Wild-was shaking violently, "Ple-please D-D-Don't Hurt M-My Kitt-Kittens." 

Fear laughed, "I-I'm S-S-S-Sorry." She was mocking her, "But we do whatever we want." Wild stood up, guarding her kittens, "Just m-M-Move. Just g-G-Go away." 

Wildfire smirked, "And you know the problem with that is?" She paused for affect, "If we show you, and your pathetic family mercy, we won't be so scary anymore, will we?" Before Wild could say anything as a reply, Fear tackled her, and dragged her by the scruff away from Wildfire. 

"It's a shame really," Wildfire said, "I really liked your name. Wild." 

Suddenly, she felt something wet on her face. She looked over to see Grey two pawsteps away from her face. He had spat right on her face. "You'll regret that." Wildfire growled, "Oh wait, you won't be alive long enough to regret it, but I will make your last moments on this planet terrible." 

She gestured at Fear, "You know what? Fear will. Take care of these pathetic, adults. And I'll take care of these puny kittens." Fear nodded, as she walked over to Grey, and Wild. Then tackled them. Ripping them to shreds. 

They yowled in pure agony. 

It was curious to think about how one cat could take down two adults. 

The female-Wild-had kittens, meaning she was weaker, for she had probably fairly recently given birth to them.

The father-Grey-was scared. But scared should make you stronger. Even the powers of adrenaline did not work against Wildfire or Fear. 

Just imagine both of them attacking one innocent life. 

Wildfire turned her smirk into a smile, "Hello, little kittens." The smile turned to an evil grin, "Time to die." 

In the background, you could hear the parents yelping, "NO!" And there last words were, "Please!" 

Wildfire scratched and bit the inoccent kittens making sure that they were dead. She saw the one known as 'Stream' twitch slightly with an ear, then stopped moving. 

By the time that Wildfire and Fear were done, there were six limp corpses on the dark green grass. "Let's go." Wildfire said in a way that sounded like she was talking about something as normal as the weather, "Let's go find some more cats, haven't killed kittens in some time."

Fear followed after her, "Yes. Let's go, Wildfire." 

And the two slender, sleek, evil, female black cats with teal eyes walked off as if nothing had happened.  

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