Chapter Twenty~The Four Seasons, Pumpkin Pie, And You Cannot Forget About Sparky

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Me and the Male fox's conversation went on; 

I smirked, "I'll find it out whether you like it or not." 

"That's debatable," he retorted. 

"You know what? I'll just call you by a random name until you get annoyed enough to tell me your real name." 

"With someone of your track-record, I'm sure you'll be... Persistent." 

"You know, being persistent is just a nobler way to be stubborn," I reasoned. 

"And you're noble?" 

"You'd be surprised, Cinnamon." 

"Did you just call me 'Cinnamon'?" 

"Can you not hear me over your ego? Are you still there Cinnamon?!" 

"Wow, just as amazing as I thought you'd be," He barked sarcastically. 

"Well, you're not too bad yourself. Cinnamon." 

"Fine, you like nicknames, do you?" 

"Yeah, I do. It's my shtick. I love that word. Shtick. Shtick. Shtick! It's my gimmick." 

"I'm sure you have many 'shticks' and 'gimmicks', Sophia. How about instead of Sophia I'll call you..." He took a good glance at me, "Take a picture it'll last longer, Cinnamon," I half-growled. 


I snorted, "Kitty?" 

"Yes, you're a cat, I'm assuming you find it offensive to be called 'Kitty' yes?" 

"Smart." I replied. 

"But not clever, eh?" 

"No that's my thing. Being cleverer than everyone else." 

"Is it better to be kind, or to be clever?" Cinnamon asked me. 




"Nothing. You're just... Peculiar." He looked amused with me, "and you're amused." I observed. 

He kept laying in the same position that he was laying in when I first saw him, and he was no longer looking at me, he was glancing around the Fox Kingdom that he was apart of. I titled my head in curiosity, and he looked back at me, but it seemed like Cinnamon wasn't completely there with me, or with anyone. He was just... Alone. 

"You're curious," Cinnamon observed back at me. "And just because you're famous-and the reason I'm here in the first place-doesn't mean you're worth more than a grain of sand." He paused, "Farewell Kitty." 

Without another word, he stood up, and stalked off into the background that was originally behind him. 

I hadn't noticed the dens before for the fact that I had just turned around to see what was behind me, and what was behind me was Cinnamon so he was blocking my view of what was behind him. A bit confusing, I think that made more sense in my head, than it did in ballpoint pen and paper, then typed out for your eyes Reader. 

The 'dens' that I was referring to were actually out of sight. 

As in; I saw no cave. 

Anywhere in sight. 

What I saw was actually a dark forest, was a few slits of light that made me feel grateful to see that amazing light. Something that I hadn't seen for awhile. And something that I hadn't felt in my heart for a very long time, and still didn't feel it at the time. 

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