Chapter Two~Meet Pixels, The Cat Who Doesn't Have A Proper Name

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We walked through the forest, as Pixels was trying to make conversation with me. 

With me. 

"So, what's your favorite color?!" She asked excitedly, "Mine's orange! Like on my fur, see?" I nodded, "Mine's..." I had to think about it for a second. I had never been asked anything so simple like that. "I'll have to go with...  Teal. Like my eyes."

"Why did you choose the name Sophia?" Pixels asked, "Sophia," I said. "Means wise or skillful. I like it." She smiled, "You look clever and skillful to me."

I looked to her as we walked, "Why is your name Pixels?" She cocked her head, "I don't know the definitions of names. I just liked it you know?"  I nodded, "Do you want to know what it means." "Sure." Pixels said, smiling. 

"It means, well." I didn't actually have a proper definition, but I think that humans use it for something that they 'Can't live with out'. "I'm not exactly sure it is used as a proper name. But humans use it for something..." "Humans? What are Humans?" I had forgotten to use the cat term for humans, "What? Hu-Whats? I said No-Claws." I lied.  Pixels shrugged.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. But I have another question," Pixels said. "Fire away." I sighed.

Pixels nodded, "What is the scar on your face from?" I stopped dead in my tracks. She stopped too, then sat down next to me, "Like I said, you don't have to answer. It was probably something honorable." I blinked, still standing on all fours, "It wasn't honorable." Not at all. I thought, What Wildfire did-What I did was in no way honorable. Or forgivable of myself...

"What was so bad?" I gulped, "It was a really long time ago-" I got cut out by something jumping onto my back. It knocked the wind out of me. 

I was most likely not gonna tell Pixels the story about my scars, on slashing through my eye, luckily, my eye was closed when I got the scar, so when I blink, you can see the entire scar. 

The other scar of mine looked like lightening struck across the part of behind my nose. 

I gasped for air-for they had knocked the wind right out of me-as I looked up to see who it was. 

It was a cat with sleek black fur, just like me, and green eyes a She-Cat also, with a white splotch on her chest. She seemed rather... Familiar. She must've come from a tree, overhead, just above Pixels and me. Clever.  And, she also had a white spot that resembled a triangle, and it looked like it would've probably went around her neck almost the shape of a collar. 

I looked over to my side, Pixels

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I looked over to my side, Pixels. She was being held down by a Tom-Cat (A Male) with long shaggy white fur and icy blue eyes. The long fur was covered in dirt splotches. You'd expect this from a white cat in the wild. But it was under the top layer of his pelt. So nobody would really notice it. He was obviously and older cat because, he was bigger, and his fur was longer than younger cats. He seemed familiar too.

Pixels looked as if though she had passed out from the landing on top of her back

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Pixels looked as if though she had passed out from the landing on top of her back. I was stronger than most cats. And that is how I was still conscious, anyone-or should I say, anycat? I could say anyone, because it could probably knock a dog unconscious. "You two are coming with us." 

The She-Cat on my back said. I calmly said, "I'm Sophia. And who might you idiots be?" The Tom growled, "Scraps." The Female kept her paws on me, slightly digging her claws into my flesh under my black pelt, "I'm Oak. And you're not Sophia." Okay, I thought quickly. They know I'm Wildfire then. Probably anyways. Not gonna willing admit it encase they do not know who I really am...  

"And you know what else is not right?" Both Oak and Scraps cocked their fluffy heads. I continued, "I'm not gonna struggle." 

This was necessary, of course. I needed information. And the best way to get information is to get yourself captured. And I would keep Pixels safe, of course. I would never burn another cat... Again. See? I'm telling you, very repetitive. But we learn for our mistakes, right? That's what everyone says anyways. I'm not saying that it is true. 

If anything, my life proves that statement an opinion. 

They laughed, and I stared at them best I could, very seriously. Which was hard for me, because whatever you think, I don't act very serious. The idiots quickly stopped laughing, "Good!" Oak exclaimed, as she put her paws around my neck. She was gonna strangle me out.

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