Chapter Nineteen~Time Exposures

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I heard a sudden snuffling, breaking up my thoughts like brittle bread. Then, the snuffling gently stopped. I immediately thought that it was strange, and then I realized that I was close to the edge of The Dark Forest instead of in the dark heart of that forest. 

This was important to know that I was no longer in the heart of The Dark Forest, because I was close to the edge of The Dark Forest. I realize, you still might be a bit confused. Let me explain. 

In the heart of The Dark Forest, it was very dark. All the time. Night and day. Darkness. Little to no light. 

But, if you are close to the edge of The Dark Forest, it will be dark at night, and light during the day. 

Right now it was dark. And I was close to the edge of The Dark Forest so... 

It is night, I thought

And you can't forget about the undeniable fact that I was cat-napped. Again. Within a few days. Good job me. But this time it was by foxes, so hey, maybe I was improving on who was cat-napping me. So that's where my long, long, life was at, at this very moment. 

Anyways, I looked outside of the Lobster Trap, seeing the night sky. 

There are two important words that come to mind when seeing this sky. 'Time Exposure'. 

A 'Time Exposure' is 'the exposure of a photographic film for longer than the maximum normal shutter setting'. 

And you are probably wondering, 'What does a definition of a word that has something to do with photos have anything to do with the night sky?' And, 'Why are those the first two words that came to your mind?' 

To your first question, the sky looked like a photo, not real life. 

To your second question, the sky looked like a photo, not real life. 

I gazed upon the stars, just as I had for my entire life-yes, I was even a Stargazer as Wildfire-but it looked like a Time Exposure. 

There were a few trees that were visible, as black silhouettes in the bright blue sky. Notice how I say 'bright blue' instead of just, 'a charming dark shade of blue covered the sky like a dark pelt covering an evil wolf as if it were a shadow' or something along the lines of that. 

But, I'll give you a more vivid image of what I was seeing. 

It looked as if the sky and the ocean had switched places. It looked like the ocean was in the sky, the charming dark shade of blue next to a strikingly magnificent kind blue stripe as if it were a best friend, or a loyal companion. The stars looked as if they were the lovely glowing creatures that lived beneath the surface of that endless beauty, most call an 'Ocean'. 

It was one of the most beautiful piece of art-that was the sky-I had ever seen. 


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