Chapter Six~Alpha's Boring, And Dark Den Where I May Die Of Bordem

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Finally, I thought staring into the hazel eyes of Alpha. Some information. 

"So," Alpha said. "Any questions?" I gave a chuckle, "Lots in fact." 

She nodded showing that I should start. I walked around the dark den as I spoke, "So, you brought me-or should I say Wildfire? I need to be called 'Sophia' now. Sophia means, 'wise' and 'skillful'. And Wildfire-well, we all get the general thought for the name, 'Wildfire.'" Alpha nodded once more. 

I continued, "I-Sophia-must be rather important. Considering the fact that you pretty much kitt-napped me. Get it? Kitt-napped? More like 'Cat-napped' because cats love to nap and I'm a cat..." I realized how off track I was, even though my jokes are funny. 

"Anyways! I want to ask you why you cat-napped me, and Pixels." She looked like she was thinking, "My pack, we are a group of cats who are on a... Let's call it a 'quest', to find the oh-so-great Wildfire. We all have a suspicion that Wildfire-well you exist. And turns out we were rather correct. But if you do enough searching, you are in a lot of places." 

I stared at her, and stopped walking around the dark den, "Why did you take Pixels? Collateral damage?" "Collateral damage." She repeated. "Or," I said. "Or something else?" 

She chuckled as if she had just told a funny joke, "You know what? You're clever enough to figure it out yourself. And, like I said, if you really look at any story, you're there! Not to great at hiding yourself, eh? Any I mean that you are in every. Single. Tale. Every cat tale anyway. And I hear you're in some No-Claw tales! What do you call the No-Claws again?" 

"Humans-" "Yes! Humans! Brilliant!"

I glared at her, "If you are planning anything that I don't like, or that harms others-especially Pixels-you'll regret it." She smiled, "Oh, I'm sure. But you're not like that anymore, are you, Sophia?" I held her gaze for a moment, then looked around the den again, and continued my little stroll, "Alpha-if that is your real name-you know nothing about me. Also, since we're back on the topic of names, why don't you tell me yours, eh?" 

She looked a bit surprised that she hadn't ticked me off too much, then got her cool swagger back. "You want to know it?" I nodded, "Yup or else I wouldn't have asked." She ignored my comment, "Let's just say you may call me-when we're alone... 'Sunset'." 

I grinned, "And I'm assuming that 'Sunset' is not your real name at all, based on what you said, 'You can call me...' and that implies that you do in fact have a real name, and you just made up the name, 'Sunset'. And you gave yourself the name, 'Alpha' to show, leadership. And 'Sunset' was probably a name that you wished you could have, but don't. And this also proves that your real name is in fact... Shameful. But what could be so bad that you would want to hide it? I mean I hide my name for obvious reasons. But you, what have you done, eh?" 

She looked surprised, even more this time she had her mouth open slightly, but closed it. "You are  even more clever than we imagined in our wildest dreams. Stella! Ash! Take her." 

Before I could say more, only one of the cats were on me. Ash was off to the side, until Alpha-or should I say 'Sunset'-nipped him in the side, but he was still rather... Gentle when trying to take me down. 

I'm only assuming that Pixels was with 'Bandit' the toughest, besides Alpha. 

Great, I thought, not making an effort to struggle. Just brilliant! 

"You know," I said underneath mostly Stella, and somewhat Ash. "You mutts really need to learn to not tackle people as you please, I mean honestly. Zero stars from me. Put that review on-Yelp!" I actually said yelp because, Stella had just bit my tail. 

Time to save Pixels. 

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