Chapter 1

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I look into the mirror and see all of the bruises - finger tip imprints on my neck, a busted lip, black eye and sporadic bruises covering my body.

I wondered who I was. I traded abuse from my father to another man who was far worse. I knew looking into the mirror that I only had two choices, get out now, or stay and die. He was going to kill me after what I did. This is the worst beating he has ever given me.

He was upstairs fucking another woman in our bed. I knew this was my only chance to get away from him. I ran to his office and unlocked the vault. I grabbed $6,000, my purse and some clothes of mine that were in the dryer. Hoping this was enough to get me far away from him.

Unfortunately, he always had people guarding the house and front gate. I turned the shower on in the bathroom and slip out of the window. There was only one spot around the fence that wasn't lit well and that was around the pool. I started to crawl through the grass and throw my bag over. Once my bag was over, I hurled myself over the bars and fell flat on my ass on the way down. Fuckkk...

I started running through the woods. I knew if I head East, I would find a main road. Once I reached a main road, I see a Buick and wave my hands. Luckily, it was an older woman, "miss, are you okay?," she asked. I shake my head, "ummm, no I...I just need to get to the nearest Walmart or Target."

She smiles, "hop in." I run to the passenger side and slide in quickly. I can't believe I made it undetected. His men are fucking stupid. "Are you running from the law?" The sudden question snaps me out of my thoughts.

"No, I'm running from my ex. He's not a very nice man." I say. Her eyes starts to scan my body. "Oh my...did he give you all of those bruises?" Her question, laced with sorrow.

I just nodded and tears start to fall down my face. She looks at me with her mouth agape. "Look, I don't have much money, but here is what I have." She goes to hand me money from her purse.

I shake my head, "no, I can't do that. I took money before I left. I will be okay I promise. Your help to drive me to a store, is helpful enough."

She shakes her head at me, "fine if you won't accept my money, at least accept my help. My grandson can help you create a clean slate with a new identity. I'm afraid if you do not change your name, your ex will find you and kill you. Here's my phone, call him. You tell him Gigi sent you free of charge."

I'm stunned that this woman is willing to help me. I grab her phone and dial her grandsons number. It starts ringing and I hear a man answer in the other side. "Hi Gigi, I promise I haven't gotten into trouble yet. I did as you said." I chuckle, "umm...this isn't Gigi, this is Mia Gregory. Gigi gave me her phone to call you." Silence...

Soon the man starts to talk, "what do you want?" I cough to clear my throat, "uh, I need to change my identity." I hear key strokes on a keyboard. "Okay, I need you to send me a front facing photo of yourself. No smiling, eyes open and no hair in your face. I will have it delivered to Gigi's house in 24 hours." Click. I turned to look at Gigi. She smiles at me, "I guess you are staying with me tonight." I sigh realizing I don't have much of a choice right now.

Gigi drove me to her house in the middle of freaking no where. We arrived to what looked like an old farm house. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. Gigi looked at me, "it's not much, but it's home." I smiled at her, "it's perfect." She ushers me into the house. I step into the old white farmhouse and instantly noticed lots of pictures mounted on the wall. It looks like family. Everyone looks so happy. I wish I had this. Gigi's voice jolts me out of my trance, "do you have any?" I turn to look at her and realize she's pointing at the family pictures. I shake my head, "no, I don't have any family. I'm on my own."

I can see the sorrow in her eyes. "I'll put on some tea and we can sit and talk about your next steps." I cock my head in confusion. She pats the seat at her kitchen table. I walk over and sit down.

As she sits the cup of tea infront of me, "my grandson will have everything finished tonight and it should be here by tomorrow morning. I suggest as soon as it gets here, you need to leave and get on a plane far away from here. Right now you have an advantage because he doesn't know you've changed your identity. I would still encourage you to use only cash. Until you arrive away from here. Go somewhere you've never mentioned. Actually pick a place on a map that even you've never heard of. It would be hard for him to find you that way. Stay away from places you've been. He will look there first." My eyes widen as she goes on about my next steps.

I speak up, "where did you learn all of this?" She chuckles, "I use to be a police officer and then I became a detective helping sexual abuse victims."

I start yawning, "if it's okay with you, I think I will head to bed." She nods and shows me to a bedroom. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm consumed in the darkness. I jolt up out of the bed, hearing noises downstairs. Fuck...they found me. My heart beating, I pack my shit and tip toe downstairs. I hear Gigi talking to someone and I round the corner, seeing a young man. I stop in the middle of the kitchen, holding my bag.

Gigi turns and looks at me, "dear, you scared me. This is my grandson Tyler. He has your new license, birth certificate, passport and college transcripts with your new name, Mia Thompson."

I turn to him and stick out my hand, "thank you so much for helping me."

He smiles and shakes my hand, "anything for Gigi."

Once he leaves, Gigi starts the car and we head to the airport. I look over at Gigi, "thank you Gigi. You've saved my life. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you."

She shakes her head, "live your life peacefully and do things that you enjoy. That's how you will repay me. And when that piece of shit dies or goes to jail, find me. I want to know you are well. Other than that don't contact anyone from your past. Don't even call California. You will have to let go of your past. Don't tell me where you're going. The less anyone knows, the best." I shake my head, "thank you and I will eventually contact you when I'm safe."

I head into the airport and purchase my ticket with cash. I head to the terminal and I hear the attendant announce, "now boarding for Atlanta, Georgia." I hand the attendant my ticket and get on the plane. I can't believe I made it. I get off the plane and make my way to the train station. I purchase a one way trip, with cash to Charleston, South Carolina.

I arrive to this beautiful, historic and bustling town. It's quite amazing. I walk around by the beach looking at restaurants looking for waitressing jobs. I need a job ASAP. I notice a rustic pub close to the beach. I walk in and ask for the manager/owner.

The Owner is a bigger and older man, probably in his early sixties. He walks over towards me and eyes me up and down, not in a pervy way, but more curiosity. I look him straight in the eye, "look I'm having a and I really need a job. I'm smart, competent and a fast learner. I promise I will be here on time and will never turn down overtime."

He's stunned, "wow Love, you've got some lady balls. I like you. You start tomorrow. 10 am. Don't be late. Wear nice jeans, no holes - or I'll send you home to change." I stand up and shake his hand.

Now, to figure out where in the hell I'm going to live. After my flight, train ride and some food, I still have $4,000. I walk around town, looking at apartments. I found a cute apartment and I head to a furniture store to at least have a bed and mattress to sleep on. After the grocery store, I lay on my mattress, wondering what my future will hold now that I am finally free from the abuse of my ex and my father. For the first time, I get to think about what I want to do with my life. This feels amazing. Finally, I doze off in my peaceful thoughts. Thoughts, I had only dreamed of having for the past 20 years.

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