Chapter 29

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Laying my head on his chest, I feel him vibrate from his deep voice. "I love you Mia. Be my girlfriend. I can't even stand the thought of another man touching you. Be mine and only mine." He pleads.

I roll on top of him and kiss him. He smirks, "is that a yes?"

I smile between kisses. "That's a yes."

Eight months later...

I had moved in with Aiden a couple of months ago. Things between us were going really well. I was still seeing my therapist to help with my PTSD. My nightmares and panic attacks seem to come on rare occasions. When I have them, Aiden holds me and tells me I'm safe.

Aiden still sees a therapist for anger management. He's doing well with it. He can still become possessive and jealous if a man touches me. We take those moments in strides.

As for Sophia and Caleb...well...they found out they are having a baby boy. They plan on naming him Luca.

Sophia waddles into my house, Saturday morning. "Hey, do you want to go shopping, while the boys are out at the shooting range?"

I look at her and shake my head, "no. You need to rest your feet. I know you pushed Caleb out of the house because you were getting annoyed with him."

She stands in the middle of my living room, throwing her hands in the air. "I'm bored out of my mind. Caleb is driving me crazy! He won't let me do anything and you're not fucking helping. Ooo..." she holds her side.

I look at her, "Are you okay? Your due date isn't for another week, right?"

She nods her head, "yeah, I think it's just a Braxton Hicks...believe me it's not the real thing."

"You know Sophia, Caleb just loves you and wants to make sure your comfortable. Don't be too hard on him." I look at her and she's holding her side again. "Are you sure you're okay Soph? Do you want me to call Caleb?"

She shakes her head, "no, absolutely not! I'm fine. I get these every once in awhile. He will be over dramatic. He's already rushed me to the hospital once because of it."

She looks down and liquid has spilled onto the living room rug. "Uhh...don't freak, but I think you need to get me to a hospital and call Caleb."

My eyes widen, "FUCK!" I run around the house and grab my bag. I go to help Sophia out to the car and she is doubled over in pain.

I dial Caleb.

Caleb: "Hey Mia. Is everything okay?"

Mia: " need to get to the hospital. Sophia's going into labor."

Caleb: "shit! Okay, how far apart are her contractions?"

Mia: "I don't fucking know! Get your ass to the hospital. Her water broke in my living room."

I can here Aiden in the background. "Caleb, you owe me a new rug."

Caleb: "shut the fuck up Aiden! Mia, I'm on my way. Tell Soph I'll get there before she does and I'll be waiting for her."

I looked stunned, he's farther out than we are.

We arrive to the front of the hospital and I see Aiden and Caleb waiting on us.

Caleb rushes over and helps Sophia into a wheel chair and wheels her in.

I look at Aiden, "how did you get here so quickly?"

He smirks, "resources." He leans down and gives me a kiss. "We have to replace that rug."

I smack his arm, "our friend is about ready to give birth and your worried about the rug?"

He chuckles and grabs my hand, leading us into the waiting area. I make a few phone calls to our family, letting them know that Sophia is in labor.

Many hours later, our entire family is in the waiting room. Caleb comes out with scrubs on. "Everything went well. You guys can come in and meet Luca."

We walk in and Sophia hands over Luca to her mom. I look at his small face. "He's beautiful Sophia." I say amazed by this baby.

Sophia's mom cradles him, back and forth. She is so excited and happy to be a grandma.

Bob walks in behind me and places a hand on my shoulder, "I can't wait for that to be you." I smile up at him. "I'm sorry that I'm not able to give you a child that looks like you."

He pulls me into a hug, "I don't need that. I would love to have a grandchild that looks like their strong mother." I smile and lean my head against his shoulder. This man is my Dad. I love him so much.

After visiting and holding the baby, Aiden and I decide to give them alone time. We walk out of the hospital room and Aiden laces his finger with mine, as we walk down the hallway.

He looks at me, "do you want children?"

I look up at him, "Are we have this conversations right now?"

He gives me a questioning look. "Yes. We haven't really talked about it. You looked amazing holding Luca. Apart of me can't wait to see you with our children."

I kiss his cheek, "yes, I want children. It scares me a little to be a mother. But, it makes me happy when I think about our future children. I would like to be married first."

He seems satisfied with my answer. "Okay. I guess practice makes perfect." He gives me a seductive smirk.

A couple of weeks later...

Aiden and Caleb had to help recruite and were gone for a few hours. I went to hangout with Sophia and Luca.

I arrive and wash my hands so that I could pick up Luca and love on him. He really is the cutest baby.

"I heard you've been a little grumpy lately Mia?" Sophia asks.

I roll my eyes and look at Luca, "Luc, you're the only one that loves Aunt Mia, aren't you?"

Sophia chuckles, "seriously, is everything okay?"

I nod, "yeah, I'm sorry. I need to apologize to Aiden. I've just been a little snappy lately. I think it's stress, my finals are next week and I have to pass to graduate. I think I'm just stressing about these finals. Speaking of college, what are you going to do?"

"I took this semester off. I'll have the summer to spend with Luc and then I'll finish up in the fall and graduate in December. I'll just be a semester behind." She says.

"Oh Mia, before I forget. The family wants to go out for dinner Saturday evening after you graduate, to celebrate." She smiles.

I nod, "okay."

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