Chapter 7

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I arrive at work the next morning and a delivery man with flower appears. "Uhh...hi. I have a delivery for Mia." I smile, "that's me, thank you." Sophia rounds the corner and looks at me amazed. I grab the card confused, it reads;

I hope your week goes well. I'm sorry I can't come by your work this week. I can't wait to see you.


Sophia puts her hands to her chest, "aww...Mia...he's so sweet." My cheeks turn red from embarrassment. I grab my phone and text Aiden.

Me: thank you for the flowers, but please don't send them again.

Aiden: you're welcome. Why?

Me: I get embarrassed easily.

Aiden: my answer is then, no. Try again.

Me: they are expensive?

Aiden: is that a statement or question?

I put my phone to my face, making me giddy like a little school girl. Who is he turning me into?

Me: you tell me.

Aiden: here's what I will tell you beautiful. I will keep sending flowers to you, knowing your cheeks turn red every time you see them. Hoping in return, you let me kiss the blush off every inch of your body. ;)

Fuck...that's hot. He's turning me on, just through text message. My body would be through the roof if we were face to face.

Me: well aren't you smooth.

Aiden: so I've been told. I'd like to see you this weekend and maybe take you fishing. You interested?

Me: found my weakness. I definitely know how to fish. Count me in. :)

Aiden: I'll pick you up at noon on Saturday. See you beautiful. :)

Sophia grinning ear to ear, "for someone who's not interested in dating, you've sure taken an interest in him." I bite my bottom lip, thinking about his lips all over me. Sophia snaps her fingers in front of me, "oh my god, you were envisioning sex with him, weren't you?"

I throw my hands up, "it's his fault. The way he kissed me. I've never been kissed like that. And the message he just sent me. He's really getting to me." She giggles, "I love this part of you. You deserve a man who makes you feel this way."

The week goes on and I can't get Aiden out of my head. I haven't seen him all week because he's been really busy. Finally it's Saturday morning. Ive actually been looking forward to this all week. Ive been trying to hide it from Sophia, because she will just tease me.

I throw on ripped jean shorts, a black tank top and converse shoes. I hear a knock at my door. I walk down the hall and open the door. I see Aiden's muscles escaping his cutoff, showing his side abs and pecks. He's leaning against the doorway, smirking and taking notice of me checking him out. "Like what you see?" He smoothly asks.

I gulp and open the door letting him in, "yes, I do."

He walks in behind me. I turn towards him and he pulls my arm into him. "Good." He plants his lips on mine and his hands find my waist pulling me further into his embrace. "Mmm...I've missed this all week." He breathes out of our kiss. My cheeks turn bright red. He leans down and starts kissing down my jaw, towards my neck.

In between kisses, "I told you......I would kiss the every inch of your.....body."He finally caresses my neck with his lips making me moan. He's now grinning from my moan. Knowing he's the reason for my reaction. "Are you ready?" He asks.

Coming out of my disorientated state, "yes." He chuckles and heads out of my apartment.

We arrive to the lake and take out a couple of fishing poles. He brought a blanket to layout on the ground. We sit and talk and enjoy being around each other. I decide to be a little mischievous. I take a worm and throw it down the side of his shirt. "Hey!" He jumps up trying to get the worm out of his shirt. I jump up and run, not knowing what he will do when he gets ahold of me. If it was Nick. I wouldn't have even dreamed of doing that. He would knock the crap out of me. I realized in that moment, Nick and Aiden weren't even comparable, because they were like night and day - completely different. Nick was mean, abusive, threatening. Aiden, while he has anger issues, he's sweet, compassionate and really fucking sexy.

"You better run...just wait until I get my hands on you!" I hear Aiden yell. I run as fast I can, arms wrap around my waist swinging me in the air and we both crash to the ground, with Aiden on top of me. I start giggling. "Oh, you think that's funny huh?"

He starts tickling me and I start thrashing, "Aiden! Stop.....please...stop ! I' tickleish!" Soon he stops and starts kissing my collarbone and working his way up my neck.

"Mmm...Aiden." I moan. This makes him hungrier. He works his way up to my lips. His tongue pleading for entrance. I part my lips letting his tongue consume me. I feel his hands roaming my body. Soon he makes his way down to the sweet spot on my neck...making me moan. His hands moving from my thighs, to my ass - giving me a squeeze. "Aiden.... maybe...mmm..."

He stops and kisses me on the lips. "I know. But I can't help myself with you. You consume my thoughts all the time. I want you so bad." He says breathlessly. I feel the same fucking way.

He pulls me up from the ground and we gather our stuff. I enter his truck on the passenger aside and he starts the truck. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together in his lap. I could get use to this. He shows me so much compassion.

We get to my apartment and he walks me to my door. I pull him, "stay and watch a movie.

He cocks his head to the side, "are you sure?"

I pull his hand, "please." He smiles and walks in, shutting the door behind him.

He goes over to the TV. I smile and sit on the couch. Waiting for him to put the movie in. He lays across the couch, leaning again the arm rest. He pulls me to the side of him. My head laying on his chest, with my arm draped across him.

I look up at him and he looks down at me, "what are your intentions with me?" I ask.

Surprised by my question, "well...I plan on getting to know everything about you. Figuring out what makes you Because I enjoy every second I'm with you. I intend on making you laugh and smile and eventually I plan on making love to you, making you mine." He says.

I gulp and turn my head watching the movie. As I lay there I feel his fingers making circles on my back - rubbing me. This feels so amazing. I've never felt this type of intimacy with anyone.

I fall asleep, laying on his chest. Soon I feel him sitting up and kissing my face. "Mia, I should probably head home. I'll text you tomorrow morning."

I get up grab the blanket and start folding it, "you can stay you know?" What the fuck am I saying? You can stay the night? Mia - get your shit together.

He shakes his head and lifts my chin, "no, its already hard for me to control myself around you." He gives me a deep kiss. "Goodnight Mia." I blush. What if I don't want you to control yourself. God Mia, what is wrong with you? You've never been so affected by a man before...especially sexually.

I peck him on the lips before he walks out of my door, "goodnight Aiden."

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