Chapter 18

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PTSD can impact anyone that has been through a traumatic event. If you think you might be suffering from PTSD, please seek professional help. Don't be afraid or ashamed and know, you're not alone.

Okay, I'll get off my high horse and let you read the next chapter. :)

Mia's POV

I've been staying with Sophia for the past week. Everything's been going well, except she's been really clingy. It's driving me fucking insane. I need some space. I decide to call Caleb.

The phone starts to ring.

Caleb: Hey Mia, are you okay? Do I need to come to Sophia's?

Me: no! You two are driving me crazy. Take her to your house and make her stay the night. She's making me claustrophobic.

Caleb: she just cares about you. She worries about you. We both do. Actually, all five of us do.

I know he's referring to our group of friends and Aiden. I clench my teeth thinking about him.

Me: please Caleb, I just want a little bit of space. Please?

Caleb: okay. I can do that Thursday. You know we leave Friday, right?

My heart drops, thinking about Aiden getting hurt overseas.

Me: yeah, I know.

Caleb: okay, I guess I'll talk to you later. Bye Mia.

He hangs up. God, the last thing I want to do is think about Aiden.

I go into the living room and flop on the couch. I turn the tv on and start flipping through channels. There is nothing on...I'm so bored. One more week. Get through one more week and you can go back to work.

I get up and decide to try new cooking recipes. At least this is kind of relaxing. Later in the day Sophia gets home from her shift.

"MIA VINATIERI! You are supposed to be resting!" Sophia yells.

I roll my eyes, "would you chill out. I'm dying of boredom here, so I cooked. I hardly think it's strenuous."

She rolls her eyes and looks at everything I've made. "Damn girl...I should keep you home more often. It looks and smells amazing."

I smile, "thanks. I wanted to keep my mind occupied. Oh, before I forget, your going to stay with Caleb Thursday night."

She looks at me with a scowl, as she takes a bite of a yeast roll. "No, I'm staying here to watch you."

I shake my head, "I'm not a child Sophia. You're smothering me. I need a little space too. I'm not use to this. Im just asking for one night. I don't want to fight." I sigh.

She smirks, "fine. God, we sound like a married couple." She chuckles.

She's not wrong...

"So...the guys are leaving Friday. Have you spoken to Aiden?" Sophia asks.

I give her the death stare, "no, I haven't and I don't plan to. Don't fucking push me about it either." I point my knife at her.

She throws up her hands, "I wasn't, I was just genuinely curious. How many of those painkillers do you have left? They make you bitchy."

I roll my eyes, "today is my last day with them."

She chuckles, "thank god, your quite testy."

Sophia and I sit at the table and start eating.

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