Chapter 26

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The week has gone by pretty quickly. Sophia called in sick this morning, so I get waitress duty tonight.

Caleb, Lee and Aiden come in for dinner. I walk over to their table, "hey guys. What do you want to drink?"

Aiden: Weihenstephan Hefe Weissbier

Caleb: Guinness Blonde American Lager

Lee: Einbecker Ur-Bock

I nod, "hey Caleb, is Sophia feeling okay?"

He nods, "yeah, I checked on her before I left the house. She told me to go out with the guys because I was hovering too much. She probably ate something that didn't agree with her."

"I'll call her later to check on her." I say, walking to get their beers.

After getting their beers, I make my way to the table and see Emily, sitting right next to Aiden. I also notice Caleb looks like he is ready to come across that table. I don't know if I've ever seen him so serious. Well...maybe the time he took me surfing and basically scolded me.

I sit the beers on the table. She looks up at me with a smirk. "The service around here is lacking. I've been sitting here forever and no one has taken my drink order."

I clench my teeth. "What can I get you?"

She huffs and grins, "uh...thank God. I thought I was going to die of thirst. I'll have a margarita. Oh...maybe that's not good idea. I get a little frisky when I drink tequila. you remember the time we did shots of tequila and we..."

Aiden glares at her, "that's enough Emily."

I could feel my blood boiling. You know the point when you're so pissed off, you think about how the consequences might be worth it? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling.

I go to the bar and make her margarita. I thought about messing with it, but I decided to take the high road. I wasn't going to stoop to her level.

I bring back her margarita. She takes a drink, "God, this is terrible!"

I look at her, I'm getting so angry. There is nothing wrong with that margarita. I choose to ignore her.

"What would you like to eat?"

I take their orders and before I finish writing down Lee's order, Emily's annoying nasally voice starts squeaking. It's like fucking nails on a chalkboard. I bow down to Aiden for putting up with her shit for so long.

"Aiden, we should have dinner Friday night. We have a lot to talk about." She pulls his arm into her lap.

He takes his hand away from her and slams it on the table. It makes both Emily and I jump. "That's enough Emily. Yes, we can go to dinner and talk, but that's it, talk." Emily smirks at me.

I walk towards the kitchen and turn in their orders. I tear rolls down my cheek.

I hear a song playing - "Ground Up," by Dan and Shay. It reminds me of Aiden.

I walk out to the restaurant and start wiping down tables.

The lyrics start to make my eyes well up with tears.

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